This work prepares teachers, college students, and higher education faculty to conduct various types of presentations, including workshops and teacher inservice trainings; poster sessions; panel discussions; roundtables; research forums; and technology-supported presentations. Making effective presentations to fellow professionals at conferences is an important contribution for educators at all levels, from basic through higher education. The book takes the approach of a “paper mentor” that guides the reader through the use of templates, specific examples, and a wide range of on-line resources.
Table of Content
PART ONE: PRESENTERS AND THEIR AUDIENCES.- 1. Making Presentations to Fellow Professionals: A Rationale.- 2. Before the Conference: General Planning Strategies.- 3. Developing Skill as a Presenter.- PART TWO: TYPES OF PRESENTATIONS.- 4. The One-Hour Workshop/Training.- 5. Poster Sessions and Research Roundtables.- 6. Presenting with a Group (Panel Discussions, Seminars, Forums).- 7. An All Day Preconference Institute or Other Professional Development Session.- 8. Presenting from a Distance via Technology-Supported Sessions.- 9. The Keynote Address or Plenary Speaker Session.- 10. After the Conference: Reflecting on the Presentation.