Author: Mathew J Manimala

Mathew J Manimala is a Professor of Organization Behaviour and Chairperson-OBHRM Area at the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIMB), India. Prior to joining IIMB, he served as Senior Member of Faculty and Chairman, Human Resources Area, at the Administrative Staff College of India (ASCI), Hyderabad. At IIMB he has worked closely with the N S Raghavan Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning (NSRCEL) primarily to build the research competencies of the Centre during its early years, when he served as the Jamuna Raghavan Chair Professor of Entrepreneurship for two terms and as the Chairperson of NSRCEL for one term. He is a Senior Enterprise Fellow of the School of Entrepreneurship and Business (SEB), University of Essex, UK, and a member of the International Advisory Board of the Institute of Management Innovation at Kinki University, Osaka, Japan. Currently he is involved in setting up the International Consortium for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Research (ICIER) in collaboration with European and BRIC countries institutions. Professor Manimala has received several academic honours including a Certificate of Distinction for Outstanding Research in the Field of New Enterprise Development (Heizer Award) from the Academy of Management. He has been awarded research fellowships by prestigious international agencies such as the European Foundation for Management Development (for a research fellowship at Manchester Business School, Manchester, UK: 1990-91) and the Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute (for a research fellowship at the University of Calgary, Canada: 1998-99). In July 2011 he was honoured by CMO-Asia with the “Best Professor of Human Resource Management” Award at the 2nd Asia’s Best B-School Award function held at Singapore, and in February 2013 a similar award was conferred on him by ET NOW in association with B-School Affaire and the Word Education Congress. Professor Manimala has done extensive research in the area of Entrepreneurship. His work on Entrepreneurial Heuristics is acclaimed by the community of researchers (including the Academy of Management) as a pioneering work in the field, wherein he has also perfected and used a novel methodology called the ‘Case-survey method’. He has published more than 50 research papers and articles in refereed international journals and presented papers mostly in international conferences, and is the Editor of South Asian Journal of Management Dr. Kishinchand Poornima Wasdani is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Management Studies, Saint Gits College of Engineering, Kottayam, India. She obtained her Ph D in Management from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. Her doctoral work was on “the opportunity recognition potential of pre-, early- and late-stage entrepreneurs”. Since then, she has been active in researching and publishing in the area of entrepreneurship, and has a few research papers in refereed journals and case-studies in textbooks and edited volumes. Besides, she is also involved in entrepreneurship training as well as academic conferences, and was one of the organizers of the ICIER-BRIC International Conference, 2011 – selected papers from which form the content of this volume. Poornima is also the Associate Editor of South Asian Journal of Management.

1 Ebooks by Mathew J Manimala

Mathew J Manimala & Kishinchand Poornima Wasdani: Entrepreneurial Ecosystem
Economic development is a priority for all nation-states, whether developing or developed. In recent times, a few among the developing nations – often referred to as the emerging economies – have att …