Author: Mathias Alencastro

Mathias Alencastro is a researcher at the Centro Brasileiro de Análise e Planejamento (CEBRAP), Brazil, specialized in Brazilian foreign policy and Portuguese-Speaking Africa. He completed his Masters (Sorbonne) and doctorate (Oxford) on the governance of natural resources in Angola. He also served in the Brazilian Presidency of the Republic. His current research focuses on the role of private companies in Brazilian foreign policy. Pedro Seabra is a Research Fellow at the Center for International Studies,  University Institute of Lisbon (CEI-Iscte), Portugal, a Guest Assistant Professor at the University Institute of Lisbon (Iscte-IUL), Portugal, and a Researcher at the Portuguese National Defense Institute (IDN). He holds a Ph D in Political Science, with a specialization in International Relations, from the Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon (ICS-ULisboa). He was previously a Nuclear Security Fellow at the School of International Relations-Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV), a SUSI Fellow of the US State Department, and a Leibniz-DAAD Research Fellow at the German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA). His main research interests focus on international security, South Atlantic geopolitics, and security capacity-building in Africa.

2 Ebooks by Mathias Alencastro

Mathias Alencastro & Pedro Seabra: Brazil-Africa Relations in the 21st Century
This is one of the first books to analyse the full cycle of rise and fall of Brazil’s foreign policy towards Africa in the beginning of the 21st century. During his government, former presi …
Mariana Hase Ueta & Mathias Alencastro: How China is Transforming Brazil
This book sets out to explore the new role of China in Brazilian politics and geopolitics. As China has become Brazil’s biggest trade partner, Brazil’s political economy has been transformed in subte …