Sandra Diehl is Associate Professor and Vice Head of the Department of Media and Communications at Alpen-Adria University of Klagenfurt, Austria. She received her Ph.D. and her habilitation in Business Administration from Saarland University in Germany. Her research interest include media and convergence management, international and intercultural advertising, CSR and health communication. Sandra Diehl has published in numerous journals, such as the International Journal of Advertising, Media Psychology, Advances in International Marketing, Advances in Consumer Research, the International Marketing Review, and European Advances in Consumer Research. She has authored and edited several books, among them Advances in Advertising Research and Media and Convergence Management. She has international teaching experience and instructs undergraduate and graduate students. She is also board member of the European Advertising Academy.
Matthias Karmasin is director of the Institute for Comparative Media and Communication Studies of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and the AAU (Alpen-Adria University Klagenfurt). Furthermore, he is a full professor and chair for media and communications at the Alpen-Adria University of Klagenfurt, Austria. He is corresponding member of the philosophic-historic class of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. He is an expert for media accountability and he has published extensively on media ethics and media management, organisational communication, communication theory and media practice. Karmasin has developed the media stakeholders’ theory. Recently, he has published an empirical study about the Austrian media and their managers. His professional experiences include business consultancy as cofounder of Medienhaus Wien and several stations abroad (mainly in the US and Germany).
ground-position: initial; background-repeat: initial;”>Barbara Mueller is a Professor of advertising in the School of Journalism & Media Studies at San Diego State University. She received her Ph.D. in communications from the University of Washington. Her research interests concentrate on the role of culture in international advertising, in addition to marketing to children and pharmaceutical advertising. Her work has appeared in numerous national and international journals, and she serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Advertising. She is the author of “Dynamics of International Advertising: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives” (Peter Lang, 3rd Edition, in press); “Communicating with the Multicultural Consumer: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives” (Peter Lang, 2008); and co-author (with Katherine Toland Frith) of “Advertising and Societies: Global Perspectives” (Peter Lang, 2nd Edition, 2010). She has taught courses in international advertising and international consumer behaviour in Austria and Malta, as well as lectured in Germany and the Ukraine. Additionally, she has developed an online course on international advertising for the University of Leicester, England.
Ralf Terlutter is Head of the Department of Marketing and International Management and program director of the English master program International Management at Alpen-Adria University Klagenfurt, Austria. He is co-founder of the European Advertising Academy (EAA) and was president of the EAA between 2010 and 2012. His work has appeared in numerous journals, including the Journal of Advertising, International Journal of Advertising, Media Psychology, International Marketing Review, European Management Journal, Journal of Medical Internet Research, among others. Ralf Terlutter has lectured in Austria, Germany, the USA, China, Spain and Croatia. He received his Ph.D. from Saarland University, Germany. Then he worked for the international management consultancy Droege & Comp. AG, Düsseldorf, Germany. His current research focus is on international advertising, CSR communication, health communication, and communication in new media.
Franzisca Weder is Associate Professor at the Department of Media and Communication at Alpen-Adria University Klagenfurt, Austria. She has lectured from undergraduate to postgraduate level in the USA (University of Alabama, Dep. of Telecommunication and Film), Germany (University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, School of Journalism), Australia (RMIT Melbourne, School of Media and Communication) and New Zealand (University of Waikato, Dep. of Management Communication). Franzisca Weder wrote her doctoral thesis on communication networks and health campaigns and her habilitation (2nd phd) on sustainability communication and public discourses about corporate responsibility. Franzisca Weder’s teaching and research experience and therefore extensive publications are in the fields of Organizational Communication & Public Relations, Media Ethics, Sustainability and CSR Communication, Health Communication and Stakeholder Engagement and Participation.
28 Ebooks by Matthias Karmasin
Sandra Diehl & Matthias Karmasin: Handbook of Integrated CSR Communication
This handbook pursues an integrated communication approach. Drawing on the various fields of organizational communication and their relevance for CSR, it addresses innovative topics such as big data, …
Paul Clemens Murschetz & Roland Teichmann: Handbook of State Aid for Film
This book is an analysis of the specificities of public film funding on an international scale. It shows how public funding schemes add value to film-making and other audio-visual productions and pro …
Matthias Karmasin & Matthias Rath: Normativität in der Kommunikationswissenschaft
Die Funktion von Medien für den Einzelnen und in der Gesellschaft sind immer auch mit normativen Vorannahmen und Erwartungen verbunden. Leitbilder wie Partizipation oder publizistische Vielfalt, die …
Matthias Karmasin & Matthias Rath: Kommunikationswissenschaft als Integrationsdisziplin
Kommunikationswissenschaft ist eine Integrationsdisziplin. So lautet nicht nur die gängige Selbstdefinition im Rahmen von Fachgesellschaften, sondern so wird auch fachhistorisch die Entwicklung des F …
Matthias Karmasin & Daniela Süssenbacher: Public Value
Das Buch behandelt die Public-Value-Debatte ausgehend von einer kulturwissenschaftlichen Position. Um gegenwärtige und kommende Perspektiven zu sammeln, die die vielschichtige medienpolitische Debatt …
Matthias Karmasin & Christian Oggolder: Österreichische Mediengeschichte
Der Band legt eine Mediengeschichte des Landes im Sinne einer Kultur- und Gesellschaftsgeschichte vor. Dieser sozial- und kulturhistorische Zugang geht von einer Wechselwirkung gesellschaftlicher Ent …
Matthias Rath & Friedrich Krotz: Maschinenethik
Der Band untersucht die besonderen ethischen Probleme, die die Entwicklung autonom „handelnder“ und „kommunizierender“ medialer Systeme aufwirft. Da sie Prozesse nicht nur eigenständig vollziehe …
Matthias Karmasin & Christian Oggolder: Österreichische Mediengeschichte
Der Band legt eine Mediengeschichte des Landes im Sinne einer Kultur- und Gesellschaftsgeschichte vor. Dieser sozial- und kulturhistorische Zugang geht von einer Wechselwirkung gesellschaftlicher Ent …
Tobias Eberwein & Matthias Karmasin: Responsibility and Resistance
The volume deals with the normative challenges and the ethical questions imposed by, and through, the developments and changes in everyday life, culture and society in the context of media change. It …
Tobias Eberwein & Susanne Fengler: European Handbook of Media Accountability
In recent years, the Leveson Inquiry in Great Britain, as well as the EU High-Level Group on Media Freedom and Pluralism, have stirred heated debates about media accountability and media self-regulat …
Tobias Eberwein & Susanne Fengler: European Handbook of Media Accountability
In recent years, the Leveson Inquiry in Great Britain, as well as the EU High-Level Group on Media Freedom and Pluralism, have stirred heated debates about media accountability and media self-regulat …
Tobias Eberwein & Susanne Fengler: Media Accountability in the Era of Post-Truth Politics
Bringing together both leading international scholars and emerging academic talent, Media Accountability in the Era of Post-Truth Politics maps the current state of media accountability in Europe and …
Tobias Eberwein & Susanne Fengler: Media Accountability in the Era of Post-Truth Politics
Bringing together both leading international scholars and emerging academic talent, Media Accountability in the Era of Post-Truth Politics maps the current state of media accountability in Europe and …
Sandra Diehl & Matthias Karmasin: Media and Convergence Management
Convergence has gained an enormous amount of attention in media studies within the last several years. It is used to describe the merging of formerly distinct functions, markets and fields of applica …
Matthias Karmasin & Rainer Ribing: Die Gestaltung wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten
Das Standardwerk für die inhaltliche und formale Gestaltung wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten – kompakt, topaktuell und jetzt auch in Farbe! Kapitel 1 gibt eine Einführung in die Welt des wissenschaftliche …
Matthias Karmasin & Rainer Ribing: Die Vorwissenschaftliche Arbeit von A bis Z
Wie finde ich das Thema meiner Vorwissenschaftlichen Arbeit? Was muss ich bei der Einreichung beachten? Welche Methoden des wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens gibt es und wie wende ich sie an? Wie funktion …
Matthias Karmasin & Larissa Krainer: Sustainability Communication Reader
The Textbook seeks for an innovative approach to Sustainability Communication as transdisciplinary area of research. Following the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, which are intended to …
Tobias Eberwein & Susanne Fengler: Global Handbook of Media Accountability
The Global Handbook of Media Accountability brings together leading scholars to de-Westernize the academic debate on media accountability and discuss different models of media self-regulation and new …
Tobias Eberwein & Susanne Fengler: Global Handbook of Media Accountability
The Global Handbook of Media Accountability brings together leading scholars to de-Westernize the academic debate on media accountability and discuss different models of media self-regulation and new …
Matthias Karmasin & Sandra Diehl: Media and Change Management
Change management is not just affected globally by environmental and social conditions, including political and technological changes, but also through convergence, which helps conceptualize change …
Andy Kaltenbrunner & Matthias Karmasin: Der Journalismus-Report VII
Lokaljournalismus hat just unter den Bedingungen von Globalisierung und Digitalisierung zusätzlich an Bedeutung gewonnen. Wie kann er Qualität, Vielfalt und Präsenz an möglichst vielen Orten sichern? …
Matthias Karmasin & Rainer Ribing: Die Gestaltung wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten
Das Standardwerk für die inhaltliche und formale Gestaltung wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten – kompakt, topaktuell und jetzt auch in Farbe! Kapitel 1 gibt eine Einführung in die Welt des wissenschaftliche …
Matthias Karmasin: Konvergenzmanagement und Medienwirtschaft
Die ökonomischen Branchen Telekommunikation, Information, Medien und Entertainment (TIME) verbinden sich heute immer stärker miteinander – sie konvergieren. Die Folge sind tiefgreifende Veränderungen …
Matthias Karmasin & Rainer Ribing: Die Gestaltung wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten
Das Standardwerk für die inhaltliche und formale Gestaltung wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten – kompakt, topaktuell und jetzt auch in Farbe! Kapitel 1 gibt eine Einführung in die Welt des wissenschaftliche …