Dr. Matthias Pilz is Professor of Business Education at the University of Cologne and Director of the German Research Center for Comparative Vocational Education and Training (G.R.E.A.T).
11 Ebooks by Matthias Pilz
Matthias Pilz: Vocational Education and Training in Times of Economic Crisis
This book brings together a broad range of approaches and methodologies relevant to international comparative vocational education and training (VET). Revealing how youth in transition is affected by …
Matthias Pilz: The Future of Vocational Education and Training in a Changing World
Across the globe, vocational education and training is characterised by a number of over-arching trends, including the increasing use of technology, the growing importance of information and communic …
Matthias Pilz & Susanne Berger: Fit for Business
Within compulsory education, prevocational education is intended primarily to introduce participants to the world of work. This book considers curriculum design and pedagogical practice in pre-vocati …
Matthias Pilz: India: Preparation for the World of Work
This book explores how the Indian education and training system prepares young people for the world of work and for the requirements of the employment market – because India is a leading industrialis …
Michael Gessler & Martina Fuchs: Konzepte und Wirkungen des Transfers Dualer Berufsausbildung
Der Sammelband führt die verschiedenen Facetten der Transferforschung der international vergleichenden Berufsbildungsforschung zusammen. Dabei werden sowohl Befunde aus Projekten und länderbasierten …
Matthias Pilz & Kathrin Breuing: Berufsbildung zwischen Tradition und Moderne
Der Sammelband behandelt aktuelle Strömungen und Herausforderungen der beruflichen Bildung. Relevante Fragestellungen der Berufsbildung werden sowohl aus deutscher Perspektive als auch aus der andere …
Dieter Münk & Klaus Breuer: Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik – Probleme und Perspektiven aus nationaler und internationaler Sicht
Der Band bietet einen umfassenden Überblick zu zentralen Problemen der aktuellen berufs- und wirtschaftspädagogischen Diskussion. Wesentliche Schwerpunktthemen der Dokumentation ausgewählter Beiträge …
Matthias Pilz & Junmin Li: Comparative Vocational Education Research
The volume is devoted to the research of comparative vocational education and training, placing a special emphasis not only on theoretical development, but also on methodological approaches and on ac …
David B. Meinhard & Sarah Pierenkemper: Using the Case Method to Support Intercultural Learning in Higher Education: Findings from an Indo-German Project
A perfect guide for those studding Veterinary Science professional Veterinary scientists and practicing personnel. It comprehensively covers all fields of Veterinary Science. This solute covers diffe …
Matthias Pilz: Informal Learning in Vocational Education and Training
Entering educational debate more than 50 years back, the notion of informal learning is still highly relevant today and of specific interest in the context of vocational education and training (VET). …