Author: Maximilian Lackner

Dr. Wei-Yin Chen is a professor of chemical engineering at the University of Mississippi. He has been investigating fossil fuel conversions and emissions control since 1975. His recent research interests include advanced combustion and emissions control for stationary and mobile sources. Four patent applications are pending. He organized a climate change study group that has been offering courses, developing outreach programs and collaborating on research projects. He has been a panelist of the National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy, US Environmental Protection Agency, and Chang-Jiang Scholar Program of China. Dr. Chen has received both the outstanding teaching and the outstanding research awards from the School of Engineering, the University of Mississippi.Dr. John M. Seiner is Director of the National Center for Physical Acoustics and Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of Mississippi.Dr. Maximilian Lackner received his Ph D in technical chemistry from the Vienna University of Technology/Austria in 2003 and his habilitation in chemical engineering in 2009. He has authored 80 publications and edited several books. Dr. Lackner is lecturing at Vienna University of Technology on combustion and ignition. He serves on the advisory board of the Association of German Engineers (VDI) in Eastern Austria and is a reviewer for the US DOE. After working 2 years in China, he has returned to Europe to run a startup company for anti-microbial surfaces. The technology, which is based on the acid protection mantle of the human skin, can avoid infections in hospitals and bring substantial energy savings in industry, e.g. in cooling towers and hot water systems, to contribute to the mitigation of climate change.Dr. Toshio Suzuki is a research scientist for the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Nagoya, Japan, working on the development of micro tubular SOFCs. Before joining AIST, he worked as an Assistant Research Professor at the University of Missouri – Rolla (now Missouri University of Science and Technology), on single chamber SOFCs and low temperature ceramic processing for SOFC components. He earned his M.S. in Applied Physics at Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, and his Ph.D. in Ceramic Engineering from the University of Missouri – Rolla.

12 Ebooks by Maximilian Lackner

Wei-Yin Chen & John Seiner: Handbook of Climate Change Mitigation / Handbook of Climate Change Mitigation
There is a mounting consensus that human behavior is changing the global climate and its consequence could be catastrophic. Reducing the 24 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions from statio …
Maximilian Lackner & Árpád Palotás: Combustion
Combustion, the process of burning, is defined as a chemical reaction between a combustible reactant (the fuel) and an oxidizing agent (such as air) in order to produce heat and in most cases light w …
Maximilian Lackner & Árpád Palotás: Combustion
Combustion, the process of burning, is defined as a chemical reaction between a combustible reactant (the fuel) and an oxidizing agent (such as air) in order to produce heat and in most cases light w …
Maximilian Lackner & Markus E. Huber: Angst vor Erfolg?
Sie wünschen sich Erfolg – aber der will sich einfach nicht einstellen? Wenn Sie gerne erfolgreich wären, es aber Ihrer Meinung nach (noch) nicht sind, könnten Sie sich im Grunde davor fürchten und u …
Maximilian Lackner: Talent-Management spezial
„Talent-Management“ ist für Personalverantwortliche in Zeiten des Fachkräftemangels eine der größten Herausforderungen. Menschen mit besonderen Talenten und Hochbegabte sind als Mitarbeiter einerseit …
Wihelm Grabow & Maximilian Lackner: Handbook of Online and Near-real-time Methods in Microbiology
Rapid detection and indication of the microbiological quality of liquids is an emerging topic that has high potential for numerous applications in the fields of environmental monitoring, industrial p …
Wihelm Grabow & Maximilian Lackner: Handbook of Online and Near-real-time Methods in Microbiology
Rapid detection and indication of the microbiological quality of liquids is an emerging topic that has high potential for numerous applications in the fields of environmental monitoring, industrial p …
Horst Orsolits & Maximilian Lackner: Virtual Reality und Augmented Reality in der Digitalen Produktion
In diesem Sammelband werden aktuelle Themen aus Forschung und Praxis zu VR und AR (Virtual Reality bzw. Augmented Reality) im Kontext der Digitalen Produktion behandelt. Experten und Expertinnen schr …
Sabine Zangl & Judith Klamert-Schmid: Berufsfeld Wirtschaftsingenieure
Wirtschaftsingenieure sind Generalisten, die an der Schnittstelle Technik/Wirtschaft in unterschiedlichsten Funktionen, Projekten und Organisationen tätig sind und über ein breites Spektrum an unters …
Wei-Yin Chen & Maximilian Lackner: Handbook of Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
Now in its 3rd edition, this extensively revised and significantly expanded handbook addresses important new research findings and the global need for action. There is a growing consensus that anthro …
Wei-Yin Chen & Maximilian Lackner: Handbook of Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
The second edition of this important work covers additional topics of climate change mitigation and adaption strategies. It expands the scope of the first edition in the areas of mitigation and adds …