Kirti Salwe Carter, MBBS, MPH has trained in meditation and breathing techniques, and leads popular wellness seminars. Both authors live in San Antonio, TX.
2 Ebooks by MBBS, MPH Kirti Salwe Carter
Dr. Robert Carter III & MBBS, MPH Kirti Salwe Carter: La mente alerta
Desate el pensamiento positivo y la imaginación productiva, y cambie los pensamientos y conductas negativas para mejorar cada aspecto de su vida, cada mañana, de un día a la vez. Malos hábitos. Malos …
Kirti Salwe Carter & Rob Carter: Morning Mind
Unleash positive thinking and productive imagination, and flip negative thoughts and behaviors into a lifetime to improve every aspect of your life—each morning, one day at a time.Bad habits. B …