NM Reed, artist, musician, teacher, author of over 60 titles brings humor and imagination to everyday life. With idea partner Mc Carthy Preston they work full-time to bring fun and adventure to readers of all ages.
8 Ebooks by McCarthy Preston
NM Reed & McCarthy Preston: Home is Where the Horse Is: A Safer Place to Be
In a matter of hours, the Butte Fire of 2015 burned thousands of acres and everything in it’s path for 20 miles. With only minutes to spare the author managed to evacuate most of their animals. At th …
NM Reed & McCarthy Preston: El Pequeno Coyote
Un cachorro llamado Littlest Coyote decide explorar y salir a caminar. Conoce nuevos amigos pero pada la noche solo. ?Encuentra Sano y salvo el camino a casa? Lea esta dulce historia de a …
NM Reed & McCarthy Preston: El Unicornio Andrajoso
El Unicornio Andrajoso the Tattered Unicorn Spanish translation English Un curioso Unicornio viaja a la ciudad para ver sus maravillas . Conoce a un Mago y una Hechicera que desean tomar presta …
NM Reed: L’unicorno Sbrindellato
L’unicorno Sbrindellato Un curioso unicorno si reca in citta per vedere le sue meraviglie . Li incontra uno stregone e una strega che vogliono predere in prestito Il suo corno, . Fugge ma subisco la …
NM Reed: Conditioning the Gaited Horse for endurance
Improving athletic condition comes with interval training, a technique illustrated in detail with numerous graphs, showing heart rate recordings from the workouts of 4 horses during interval training …
NM Reed: The Howling Halloween Pumpkin
It’s Halloween!! The Littlest Coyote’s first. They find a huge pumpkin, carve it and get ready for Trick or Treating. What does Coyote dress up as? Do the big kids come and spoil the fun? What …
NM Reed & McCarthy Preston: Elf és Troll Kalandjai 9
#9 Elf partra mosva találja magát Insheanisee tündérszigeteinek strandján. Ahol újra találkozik a varázslónővel más álruhában, aki rejtélyes próféciákról beszél. Elf visszatér a nyugati …
NM Reed & McCarthy Preston: The Adventures of Elf & Troll 2
The adventure continues with the birth of the princess. And our heroes Elf and Troll are immediately set upon by the dark forces of evil, bent on interfering with her magical destiny. Talking eagles …