An “installment strategy” in its most basic form, combines two options, one long-term position and one short-term. This strategy is designed as a conservative, no-cost method to either eliminate risk for future trading when stock is owned; or to fix the price for a future purchase of the underlying security.
Portfolio managers and experienced individual traders face a chronic problem – risk versus time. This goes beyond the well-known time decay of options and expands to the ever-present market risk to an underlying security. How do you execute a successful, conservative strategy and eliminate or reduce market risk?
In this book, a range of effective and creative strategies set out a conservative hedging system. This involves the combination of long-term long positions offset by short-term short positions in various configurations. Options Installment Strategies presents variations on the well-known calendar spread and demonstrates how specific strategieswork well in short-term swings and even during extended periods of consolidation.
Table of Content
1. Chart-Based Trade Timing.- 2. Proximity and Risk.- 3. Picking the Right Stock.- 4. Timing with Well-Selected Technical Signals.- 5. Long-Term Market Risk Elimination.- 6. Long-Term Contingent Purchase.- 7. Short Options and Levels of Risk.- 8. Alternative Offsets Beyond Short Calls or Short Puts.- 9. Combining the Short Offset Alternatives.- 10. Expanding the Strategies.- 11. Managing Potential Losses.- 12. Recovery Strategies.- 13. The Flexibility of Options Hedging.
About the author
Michael C. Thomsett has been writing for a living since 1978 and has published more than 90 books. These include 12 options books. His best-selling Getting Started in Options has been published in ten editions and sold more than 300, 000 copies. The 10th edition has been renamed Options (The Essential Guide for Getting Started in Derivatives Trading). He also has developed and presented options webinars, and operates a financial education website, Money Craft. Thomsett is a frequent speaker at trade shows and investment conventions. He blogs on Seeking Alpha, Options Money Maker, Steady Options and other social media.