Author: Michael Essig

Prof. Michael Essig is the Chair of Materials Management & Distribution at the Bundeswehr University Munich and is Co-Director of the Research Center for Law and Management of Public Procurement as well as the Transfer Center for Defense Supply Chain Management. Prof. Michael Hülsmann is the Chair of the Systems Management School of Engineering and Science at Jacobs University Bremen. Prof. Eva-Maria Kern is the Chair of Knowledge Management and Business Process Design at the Bundeswehr University Munich. Dr. Stephan Klein-Schmeink heads the business unit “SCM” at the g.e.b.b. Gesellschaft für Entwicklung, Beschaffung und Betrieb mb H.

2 Ebooks by Michael Essig

Michael Essig & Michael Hülsmann: Supply Chain Safety Management
Companies face a variety of risks resulting from cost reduction strategies, rationalization measures, global sourcing, and outsourcing activities. Due to the large number of actors involved, extremel …
Bundesverband Materialwirtschaft, Einkau & Michael Essig: Exzellente öffentliche Beschaffung
Das öffentlichen Beschaffungsmanagement steht zunehmend im Spannungsfeld zwischen Wirtschaftlichkeit, (Vergabe-)Rechtskonformität und politisch-strategischen Zielsetzungen. Die steigenden Anforderung …