Make a deep impact today that leaves a growing legacy for tomorrow.
Learn to lead well and leave a lasting impact with this compact, richly innovative book from the Corwin Impact Leadership series. Discover six specific leadership attributes to stimulate deep learning— and deep leadership— that transforms schools for the future.
Concrete examples and critical, yet implementable action steps help you:
- Commit to deep, meaningful work
- Master the content and process of change
- Co-learn and co-lead simultaneously
- Collaboratively develop individuals and groups
- Link your goals to the larger school system
- Produce new, capable leaders
Uncover new ways of thinking and acting, for you and for those you lead, with this powerful leadership guide!
Other books by Corwin:
‘Few today have broader and deeper insights than Michael Fullan in helping to develop leadership amidst the cross currents of today’s school environments. Two of Fullan’s timely insights in Indelible Leadership—Students themselves are the hidden agents for deep change, and the real leadership capabilities needed today can be learned.’
Peter Senge
MIT and Academy for Systemic Change
‘This book provides a wonderfully clear and concise guide for education leaders who want to make a real difference in the midst of challenging times. Fullan is a master!’
Tony Wagner, Author
The Global Achievement Gap and Creating Innovators
Table of Content
Author’s Note: Deep Leadership: Managing Six Big Tensions
1. Moral Imperative and Uplifting Leadership
2. Master Content and Process
3. Lead and Learn in Equal Measure
4. See Students as Change Agents and Protégés
5. Feed and Be Fed by the System
6. Be Essential and Dispensable
About the author
Michael Fullan served as Premier Dalton Mc Guinty’s Special Policy Adviser in Ontario from 2003-2013. He received the Order of Canada (OC) in December 2012 and holds five honorary doctorates from universities around the world. His ‘interim autobiography’, Surreal Change, covers his work to 2018. Michael and his colleagues are now working diligently on field-based comprehensive system change in several countries. This work operates under the umbrella of what they call the ‘shared humanity paradigm’ —Equity, Engagement, Excellence–Deep change that integrates local (school and community), middle (district/regional), and state (policy) entities.Fullan’s favorite method of learning is to partner with groups that are engaged with change; and to learn together with them. (And then to write another book about the experiences, and what was learned).Michael Fullan’s latest books are: Nuance (2019), Spirit Work and the Science of Collaboration (with Mark Edwards, 2022), The Principal 2.0 (2023), and The Drivers (with Joanne Quinn, 2023).For more information on books, articles, videos, podcasts please go to: