It would seem that we have taken on an impossible task in this book: trying to demonstrate to modern Americans, be they secular or religious, Jews or Christians, that the sacrificial rites found in Leviticus have any germaneness to their lives. After all, to the extent that any modern reader turns to the pages of Leviticus at all, the notion that they would be inspired by the text and pine for the restoration of animal sacrifices is ludicrous! However, Leviticus is more than laws of sacrifices. As we demonstrate, Leviticus sets forth a template for nation-building via large, regularly-scheduled communal gatherings intended to foster national unity and identity among the Jewish people.
About the author
Reuven Travis has taught a wide range of classes, including Jewish law, Bible, and Jewish history, to students from grade two through high school. He received his BA from Dartmouth College, where he graduated Phi Beta Kappa. He holds a master’s degree in teaching from Mercer University and a master’s in Judaic studies from Spertus College. In addition to this Curious Student’s Guide series, he has also published three scholarly works on the books of Job, Numbers, and Genesis, respectively.