A Masonic education from the first page to last. Includes: ‘The Meaning of Initiation’ by Frank C. Higgins; ‘Operative Masonry: Early Days in the Masonic Era’ by Robert I. Clegg; ‘Masonic Jurisprudence’ by Roscoe Pound; ‘Freemasons in the American Revolution’ by Charles S. Lobingier; ‘A Bird’s-Eye View of Masonic History’ by H.L. Haywood; ‘Women and Freemasonry’ by Dudley Wright; ‘In the Interests of the Brethren’ by Rudyard Kipling; ‘The Egyptian Influence on Our Masonic Ceremonial and Ritual’ by Thomas Ross; ‘Anderson’s Constitutions of 1723? by Lionel Vibert; ‘The Rise and Development of Anti-Masonry in America, 1737-1826? by J. Hugo Tatsch; ‘The Spiritual Significance of Freemasonry’ by Silas H. Shepherd; ‘Rosicrucianism in Freemasonry’ by H.V.B. Voorhis; ‘The New Atlantis and Freemasonry’ by A.J.B. Milborne; ‘Masonry and World Peace’ by Joseph Fort Newton and more.
Table of Content
Foreword.. iii
The Landmarks of Masonry. 1
The Webb Ritual in the United States. 13
The Meaning of Initiation. 24
The Doctrine of the Balance. 29
Operative Masonry -
Early Days in the Masonic Era. 36
Masonic Jurisprudence. 49
Freemasons in the American Revolution. 66
A Bird’s-Eye View of Masonic History. 79
Woman and Freemasonry. 98
In the Interests of the Brethren. 124
The Egyptian Influence On Our Masonic
Ceremonial and Ritual 143
Anderson’s Constitutions of 1723. 156
The Rise and Development of Anti-Masonry
in America, 1737-1826. 173
The Spiritual Significance of Freemasonry. 190
Rosicrucianism In Freemasonry. 196
The New Atlantis and Freemasonry. 208
The Forty-Seventh Problem of Euclid.. 214
Masonry and World Peace. 221
About the author
Michael R. Poll (1954 – present) is the owner of Cornerstone Book Publishers and editor of the Journal of The Masonic Society. He is a Fellow and Past President of The Masonic Society, a Fellow of the Philalethes Society, a Fellow of the Maine Lodge of Research, Member of the Society of Blue Friars, and Full Member of the Texas Lodge of Research.A New York Times Bestselling writer and publisher, he is a prolific writer, editor, and publisher of Masonic and esoteric books. He is also the host of the You Tube channel ‘New Orleans Scottish Rite College.’ As time permits, he travels and speaks on the history of Freemasonry, with a particular focus on the early history of the Scottish Rite. He was born in New Orleans, LA and lives a peaceful life with his wife and two sons.