Author: Michael Schagerl

Michael Schagerl is Professor at the University of Vienna. His research fields are phycology and aquatic ecology. Special interests include the ecophysiology, autecology and taxonomy of algae in diverse habitats from freshwater springs to the sea and their role in food webs. More recently, his research group has focused on saline-alkaline lakes and their biota.

2 Ebooks by Michael Schagerl

Michael Schagerl: Soda Lakes of East Africa
This book is devoted to the alkaline-saline lakes of East Africa, which include the world-famous “flamingo lakes”. It covers the full range of issues, from the lakes’ origin and history, life in and …
Holger Thüs & Matthias Schultz: Süßwasserflora von Mitteleuropa, Bd. 21/1 Freshwater Flora of Central Europe, Vol. 21/1: Fungi
Band 21 der „Süßwasserflora von Mitteleuropa“ beschreibt die aquatischen Pilze. Der vorliegende Teil 21/1 behandelt die Süßwasserflechten (symbiotische Assoziationen von Pilzen mit Grünalgen oder Cya …