Michael Stanton-Hicks, MBBS, Dr.Med.(Düs), FFARCS (FRCA), FCAI (HON), ABPM, FIPP
Consultant, Department of Pain Management, Cleveland Clinic
Executive Editor, Pain Practice
Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons of England
Fellow, Royal College of Anesthetists
Fellow, American Academy of Pain Management
Past President, 1989 – 1990 American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine (ASRA)
Past President, 1994 – 1998 North American Neuromodulation Society (NANS)
Editorial Board Member, Neuromodulation Practice
Editorial Board Member, Pain Physician
9 Ebooks by Michael Stanton-Hicks
Hans Nolte & P. Prithri Raj: Illustrated Manual of Regional Anesthesia
Professor Philip Bromage From the earliest stirrings of modern surgical anesthesia, novice surgeons struggling to learn from the living what there was a strong intuitive feeling that anesthesia of pa …
Michael Stanton-Hicks: The Evolution of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
Long before any written accounts of what has come to be described as Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), this book entails a record that began in the department of Anesthesiology headed by Dr. Joh …