Unofficial and unauthorized
In 1962, Andy Warhol displayed 32 canvases of Campbell’s soup cans in a New York art gallery. The art world – and what we consider to be art – would never be the same again.
Follow Warhol through his upbringing in Pittsburgh, moving to New York City, finding inspiration and
conquering the creative world , in this unique graphic biography.
Discover what made Warhol tick – his delights, drives and frustrations. Immerse yourself in his fascinating lifestyle within the New York scene and the incredible way that he continually evolved as an artist.
For those looking for an entertaining introduction to this giant of modern art, or for existing fans after a
fresh visual take , this graphic biography reveals the real Warhol.
Table of Content
Prologue – Early Life In Pittsburgh
A young Andrew Warhola Jr grows up and takes his first steps in the world of work.
Chapter 1 – New York
A new city, a new life. Warhol makes a career in advertising – but being an artist is an uphill struggle.
Chapter 2 – Andy Warhol
The path is clear: amid portraits and cans of soup, the King of Pop Art is born.
Chapter 3 – Music and cinema
Eclecticism as style: an artist can’t survive on paintings alone. Warhol works in lots of different fields.
Chapter 4 – Bang!
We almost lose our hero before his time – and he comes out of it with a few bruises to body and soul.
Chapter 5 – Business
Art as work. work as business. Business-Art is born. The harsh, lonely existence of an artist at the top.
Chapter 6 – Always reinvent yourself
A whirlwind of experimentation, and a single goal: reinvent yourself to remain true to who you are.
Chapter 7 – Past and present
Warhol tries to keep pace with the times and the new things driving art – Ignoring the fact that he remains a major reference point.
Epilogue – The end and eternity
And then, when you least expect it, it’s all over. But is it really? The end and eternity
About the author
Michele Botton is an Italian scriptwriter and author. He has published graphic novels on the lives of Charles Bukowski and Audrey Hepburn.
Marco Maraggi is an illustrator and graphic novelist. His graphic novel on the life of Banksy (2022) has been published worldwide in 10 different languages.