Author: Michele Mioni

Michele Mioni is a Research Associate at the Centre d’Histoire Sociale des Mondes Contemporains (CHS) at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, in France. Stefano Petrungaro is Associate Professor of the History of Eastern Europe at Ca’ Foscari University in Venice, Italy.

2 Ebooks by Michele Mioni

Michele Mioni: Riforma sociale, lotta al fascismo, suggestioni corporative
Il saggio propone una biografia politica del gruppo dirigente della Confederazione Generale del Lavoro tra 1918 e 1927. Si ricostruiscono le vicende che segnarono la sconfitta del sindacalismo riform …
Michele Mioni & Stefano Petrungaro: Caring for the Socially Marginalised in Interwar Europe, 1919–1939
This book investigates the mixed economy of welfare that assisted socially marginalised people in interwar Europe, namely the state, local authorities, and a combination of voluntary and informal act …