Like Alba in The Theory of Hummingbirds, Michelle underwent a series of surgical procedures to correct congenital talipes equinovarus as a child. Like Alba, she believes in loving what you do; for her, that includes writing for children and teens, founding the literacy charity Raising Readers, and working for the Scotiabank Giller Prize, the largest literary award in Canada. Michelle grew up in Melbourne, Australia and lived in Indonesia for several years before moving to Toronto, Ontario, where she now lives with her family and one very noisy dog.
5 Ebooks by Michelle Kadarusman
Michelle Kadarusman: Girl of the Southern Sea
A gifted student, Nia longs to attend high school so she can follow her dream and become a writer. She has notebooks filled with stories she’s created about the mythological Dewi Kadita, Princess of …
Michelle Kadarusman: Girl of the Southern Sea
A gifted student, Nia longs to attend high school so she can follow her dream and become a writer. She has notebooks filled with stories she’s created about the mythological Dewi Kadita, Princess of …
Michelle Kadarusman: Theory of Hummingbirds
A heartfelt #ownvoices story celebrating best friends, wormholes and loving who you are.Alba has been best friends with Levi since forever. They’re both obsessed with hummingbirds and spend their lun …
Michelle Kadarusman: Theory of Hummingbirds
A heartfelt #ownvoices story celebrating best friends, wormholes and loving who you are.Alba has been best friends with Levi since forever. They’re both obsessed with hummingbirds and spend their lun …
Michelle Kadarusman: BERANI – Malias mutige Mission
Rettet die Orang-Utans! Malia ist verzweifelt: Nach dem Tod ihres Vaters soll sie ihr geliebtes Heimatland Indonesien verlassen und mit der Mutter nach Kanada auswandern. Doch was wird dann aus ihrem …