Author: Miklos Vassanyi

Miklós Vassányi (1966) earned Master’s and Doctor’s degrees in Philosophy at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, with a dissertation which forms the essence of this book. He is Associate Professor in Philosophy at Károli University of the Hungarian Reformed Church, Budapest.

5 Ebooks by Miklos Vassanyi

Miklós Vassányi & Enikő Sepsi: The Immediacy of Mystical Experience in the European Tradition
This volume examines mystical experiences as portrayed in various ways by “authors” such as philosophers, mystics, psychoanalysts, writers, and peasant women. These “mystical authors” have, throughou …
Miklós Vassányi: Anima Mundi: The Rise of the World Soul Theory in Modern German Philosophy
This work presents and philosophically analyzes the early modern and modern history of the theory concerning the soul of the world, anima mundi. The initial question of the investigation is why there …
Judit Nagy & Eniko Sepsi: Indigenous Perspectives of North America
The present volume brings to North American Native Studies – with its rich tradition and accumulated expertise in the Central European region – the new complexities and challenges of contemporary Nat …
Dennis Vanden Auweele & Miklos Vassanyi: Past and Present Political Theology
This book demonstrates how discussions of Political Theology have been a constant feature throughout philosophical modernity and that they continue to impact contemporary political debates. By tracin …
Dennis Vanden Auweele & Miklos Vassanyi: Past and Present Political Theology
This book demonstrates how discussions of Political Theology have been a constant feature throughout philosophical modernity and that they continue to impact contemporary political debates. By tracin …