Mohammad A. Matin & Sotirios K. Goudos 
Artificial Intelligence for Future Networks [PDF ebook] 


An exploration of connected intelligent edge, artificial intelligence, and machine learning for B5G/6G architecture

Artificial Intelligence for Future Networks illuminates how artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) influence the general architecture and improve the usability of future networks like B5G and 6G through increased system capacity, low latency, high reliability, greater spectrum efficiency, and support of massive internet of things (m Io T).

The book reviews network design and management, offering an in-depth treatment of AI oriented future networks infrastructure. Providing up-to-date materials for AI empowered resource management and extensive discussion on energy-efficient communications, this book incorporates a thorough analysis of the recent advancement and potential applications of ML and AI in future networks.

Each chapter is written by an expert at the forefront of AI and ML research, highlighting current design and engineering practices and emphasizing challenging issues related to future wireless applications.

Some of the topics include:

  • Signal processing and detection, covering preprocess and level signals, transform signals and extract features, and training and deploying AI models and systems

  • Channel estimation and prediction, covering channel characteristics, modeling, and classic learning-aided and AI-aided estimation techniques

  • Resource allocation, covering resource allocation optimization and efficient power consumption for different computing paradigms such as Cloud, Edge, Fog, Io T, and MEC

  • Antenna design using AI, covering basics of antennas, EM simulator/optimization algorithms, and surrogate modeling

Identifying technical roadblocks and sharing cutting-edge research on developing methodologies, Artificial Intelligence for Future Networks is an essential reference on the subject for professionals and researchers involved in the field of wireless communications and networks, along with graduate and Ph D students in electrical and computer engineering programs of study.

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Table of Content

About the Editors xv

List of Contributors xvii

Acknowledgments xxi

1 Intelligent Beam Prediction and Tracking 1
Christos Masouros, Jianjun Zhang, and Yongming Huang

1.1 Introduction 1

1.2 Challenge of Beam Prediction Modeling in Wireless Communications 5

1.3 Prior Identification – Perspective of Function Space 7

1.3.1 Perspective of Function Space 8

1.3.2 Useful Priors for Beam Process Modeling 9 High-speed Train Communication 9 Indoor Environment 9 City Street Environment 9

1.4 Methodology from Stochastic Process 12

1.5 Stochastic Continuity – Beam Index Difference 16

1.5.1 Beam Index Difference Technique 16

1.5.2 BPT Solution via Beam Index Difference 17

1.5.3 Theoretical Analysis for Beam Index Difference 21

1.6 Stochastic Smoothness – Hybrid Data-induced Kalman Filtering 25

1.6.1 Theoretical Foundation 26

1.6.2 Implicit Dynamics Learning via Multitask Learning 28

1.6.3 SDE Representation and Efficient Inference 31

1.7 Beam Width Optimization 33

1.7.1 Stochastic Continuity – Locality Principle of Beam Change and Data Transmission with Multiresolution Beam 33

1.7.2 Stochastic Smoothness – Low-frequency Sounding via BWO and Long-term Prediction 35

1.8 Numerical Results 36

1.8.1 Simulation Results for Stochastic Continuity 37

1.8.2 Simulation Results for Stochastic Smoothness 39

1.9 Conclusion 45

References 46

2 Signal Detection with Machine Learning 51
Jayakrishnan Vijayamohanan, Arjun Gupta, Manel Martínez-Ramón, and Christos Christodoulou

2.1 Introduction 51

2.2 Symbol Detection 52

2.2.1 The Viterbi Algorithm 52

2.2.2 Channel Equalization Through Machine Learning 54

2.2.3 Machine Learning Implementations of the Viterbi Algorithm 57

2.3 Modulation Detection 60

2.3.1 Signal Model 61

2.3.2 Feature Selection 62

2.3.3 Maximum Likelihood Estimation 64

2.3.4 Neural Modulation Detection 64 Convolutional Neural Network 65 CNN Modulation Detection 67

2.4 Source Detection 74

2.4.1 Array Signal Model 74

2.4.2 Conventional Source Detection 77

2.4.3 Neural Source Detection 79 CNN Detector 80 Radio Net 82

2.5 Conclusion 84

References 85

3 AI-Aided Channel Prediction 93
Oscar Stenhammar, Gábor Fodor, and Carlo Fischione

Acronyms 93

3.1 Introduction 94

3.1.1 Channel Aging 94

3.1.2 Channel Estimation 96

3.1.3 Channel Prediction 96

3.2 Preliminaries 98

3.2.1 Multilayer Perceptron 98

3.2.2 Convolutional Neural Network 100

3.2.3 Recurrent Neural Network 101 Long Short-Term Memory 101 Gated Recurrent Units 103

3.2.4 Transformer 103

3.3 Previous Work 105

3.3.1 Previous Work in Channel Estimation 105

3.3.2 Conventional Channel Prediction 107

3.3.3 Previous Work in AI-Aided Channel Prediction 109

3.4 Experimental Evaluations 113

3.4.1 Simulation Setup 113

3.4.2 Neural Network Setup 115

3.4.3 Experimental Results 118

3.5 Discussion 121

3.6 Summary 123

References 124

4 Semantic Communications 131
Qiyang Zhao, Hang Zou, Mehdi Bennis, and Merouane Debbah

4.1 Introduction 131

4.2 Semantic Information and Semantic-Native Communication 134

4.2.1 Semantic Information Theory 134

4.2.2 Semantic-Native Communication 137

4.3 Interplay of AI and Semantic Communication 140

4.3.1 AI for Semantic Communication 140

4.3.2 Semantic-Native Collective Intelligence 143

4.4 Conclusion 145

References 146

5 Federated Learning for Wireless Communications 151
Ahmet M. Elbir and Wei Shi

5.1 Introduction 151

5.2 Channel Models 155

5.2.1 mm Wave Channel Model 155

5.2.2 THz Channel Model 157 Near-Field Array Model 158 Near-Field Beam Squint 160

5.3 Federated Learning for Channel Estimation 162

5.3.1 Training Data Collection 162

5.3.2 FL-Based Model Training 163

5.3.3 FL for mm Wave Channel Estimation in Massive MIMO 165

5.3.4 FL for mm Wave Channel Estimation in RIS-Assisted Massive Mimo 169

5.3.5 FL for THz Channel Estimation 172

5.4 FL For Hybrid Beamforming 176

5.5 Conclusions 178

Acknowledgment 179

References 179

6 Federated Learning in Mesh Networks 185
Xu Wang, Yuanzhu Chen, and Octavia A. Dobre

6.1 Introduction 185

6.1.1 Federated Learning 185

6.1.2 Mesh Networks 186

6.1.3 The Convergence: Federated Learning on Mesh Networks 187

6.2 Decentralized Federated Learning 188

6.2.1 Traditional Federated Learning versus Decentralized Federated Learning 189

6.2.2 Core Principles of Decentralized Federated Learning 191

6.2.3 Advantages of Decentralization in Federated Learning 191

6.2.4 Architecture Variants for Decentralized Federated Learning 192

6.2.5 Challenges of Decentralization in Federated Learning 192

6.3 Mesh Networks 192

6.3.1 Why Mesh Networks 193

6.3.2 Fundamental Concepts and Terminologies 193

6.3.3 Topological Structures 193

6.3.4 Advantages of Mesh Networks 194

6.3.5 Challenges and Limitations 195

6.3.6 Integration with Federated Learning 195

6.4 The Intersection: Decentralized Federated Learning over Mesh Networks 196

6.4.1 Natural Synergy Between Federated Learning and Mesh Networks 196

6.4.2 Potential Benefits of the Convergence 196

6.4.3 Enabling Technologies 198

6.4.4 Challenges at the Intersection 198 Communication Overhead 198 Data Heterogeneity and Non-IID Data 199 Model Aggregation in Decentralized Networks 199 Network Latency and Asynchrony 199 Security and Privacy Concerns 199 Scalability Concerns 200 Fault Tolerance and Robustness 200 Resource Constraints 200

6.5 Solutions 200

6.5.1 Communication Overhead 200

6.5.2 Data Heterogeneity and Non-IID Data 201

6.5.3 Model Aggregation in Decentralized Networks 201

6.5.4 Latency and Asynchrony 202

6.5.5 Security and Privacy Concerns 202

6.5.6 Scalability Concerns 202

6.5.7 Fault Tolerance and Robustness 203

6.5.8 Resource Constraints 203

6.6 State-of-the-Art and Noteworthy Implementations 204

6.6.1 Decentralized Federated Learning Techniques 204 Network Topology 204 Communication Protocols 204 Privacy Enhancements 205

6.6.2 Advances in Mesh Networking Technologies 205 Low-Latency Protocols 205 Scalable Architectures 206 Security Enhancements 206

6.6.3 Decentralized Federated Learning on Mesh Networks: Integrated Approaches 206

6.6.4 Toolkits and Platforms 207

6.6.5 Benchmarks and Evaluation 208

6.7 Future Directions and Open Research Challenges 209

6.7.1 Advanced Algorithms 209

6.7.2 Enhanced Security Mechanisms 209

6.7.3 Network Optimization 210

6.7.4 Interoperability and Standardization 210

6.7.5 Energy Efficiency and Sustainability 211

6.7.6 User-Centric Approaches 211

6.7.7 Real-time Decentralized Federated Learning 212

6.7.8 Codesigning Hardware and Software 212

6.7.9 Ethical and Regulatory Considerations 213

6.7.10 Interdisciplinary Research 213

6.8 Concluding Remarks 213

References 214

7 Antenna Design Using Artificial Intelligence 227
Sotirios K. Goudos, Mohammad A. Matin, and George K. Karagiannidis

7.1 Introduction 227

7.2 Evolutionary Algorithms 229

7.2.1 Mainstream Algorithms 229 Genetic Algorithms 229 Particle Swarm Optimization 230 Differential Evolution 231 Ant Colony Optimization 232

7.2.2 Emerging Algorithms 235 Biogeography-Based Optimization 235 Grey Wolf Optimizer 235 Wind-Driven Optimization 235 Salp Swarm Algorithm 235 Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) 236 Harmony Search (HS) 236 Shuffled Frog-Leaping Algorithm 237

7.2.3 Antenna Optimization Using Evolutionary Algorithms 237 Problem Formulation 237 Numerical Results 239

7.3 Machine Learning 244

7.3.1 Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) 244

7.3.2 Support Vector Machines 244

7.3.3 Gaussian Process (GP) 245

7.3.4 Deep Learning (DL) 245

7.3.5 ANFIS 245

7.3.6 Surrogate Modeling 246 Surrogate Modeling Example 248

7.4 Knowledge Representation 252

7.5 Conclusion 253

References 253

8 AI-Driven Approaches for Solving Electromagnetic Inverse Problems 257
Marco Salucci, Maokun Li, and Andrea Massa

8.1 Introduction 257

8.2 Mathematical Formulation 258

8.3 AI-Based EM–IP Solution Strategies 262

8.3.1 3-Step Learning-by-Examples (LBE) Framework 263

8.3.2 System-by-Design (Sb D) Framework 267

8.3.3 Deep Learning (DL) Framework 269

8.4 Applications 271

8.4.1 Microwave Imaging of Free-Space and Buried Objects 271

8.4.2 Biomedical Imaging 272

8.4.3 Non-destructive Testing and Evaluation (NDT/NDE) 274

8.4.4 Wireless Detection, Localization, and Tracking of Targets 275

8.5 Conclusions 276

Acknowledgments 276

References 277

9 RA-Based RIS-1 Design Using Support Vector Machines to Enhance mm Wave 5G Coverage 283
Álvaro F.Vaquero, Eduardo Martinez-de-Rioja, Jesús A. López-Fernández, and Manuel Arrebola

9.1 Introduction 283

9.1.1 RA-Based Reflective Intelligent Surface 285

9.1.2 Considerations of RA-Based RIS Design 287

9.2 RIS-1 Unit-Cell Characterization Using SVR 289

9.2.1 Passive Unit Cell for RIS-1 Design 289

9.2.2 SVR-Based Models of RA Unit Cells 291 SVM Theoretical Background 293 Model Selection, Expected Accuracy, and Training 297 Efficient Grid Search 299

9.3 RIS-1: Analysis and Optimization 302

9.3.1 Radiated Field by a RIS 304 Electric Field on the RIS Aperture 304 Radiated Field of an RIS 307

9.3.2 Intersection Approach Framework 311

9.3.3 Generalized Intersection Approach 315

9.4 SVR-Based Design of RIS-1 to Enhance 5G mm Wave NF Coverage 317

9.4.1 Definition of Scenario and Single-Layer Unit Cell 317

9.4.2 Unit-Cell Modeling Based on SVR 320 Discussion on the Number of Training Patterns, Time Cost and Achieved Precision 321 Reflection Coefficients 323

9.4.3 RIS-1 Designed Based on Intersection Approach Framework 325

9.4.4 RIS-1 Design Process 329

9.5 Conclusions and Road Map 332

References 334

10 AI at the Physical Layer for Wireless Network Security and Privacy 341
Aly S. Abdalla, Bo Tang, and Vuk Marojevic

10.1 Introduction 341

10.2 Network Security and Privacy Threats and Vulnerabilities 342

10.2.1 Security Threats 342

10.2.2 Identifying and Assessing Network Security and Privacy Threats 343

10.2.3 Exploiting Vulnerabilities: Techniques and Attack Vectors 344

10.3 Fundamentals of AI for Network Security and Privacy 346

10.3.1 Supervised Learning 347

10.3.2 Unsupervised Learning 349

10.3.3 Reinforcement Learning 350

10.3.4 Generative Adversarial Networks 351

10.3.5 Federated Learning 352

10.3.6 Ensemble Learning 353

10.4 AI-Driven Physical Layer Security Solutions 355

10.4.1 Intelligent Beamforming 356

10.4.2 AI-Based Radio Frequency Fingerprinting Techniques 357

10.4.3 AI-Assisted Power Control 358

10.5 Case Study: UAV-Assisted PLS for Terrestrial Wireless Communications Networks 359

10.6 Practical Considerations and Challenges of Implementing AI-Based Security Solutions 366

10.6.1 Scalability and Performance Optimization of AI Models 366

10.6.2 Privacy Considerations of AI-Enhanced Wireless Network Security 367

10.7 Conclusions and Outlook 369

References 370

Index 381

About the author

Mohammad A. Matin is a Professor and Chairman in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Sotirios K. Goudos is a Professor in the Department of Physics at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece and the Director of the ELEDIA@AUTH lab member of the ELEDIA Research Center Network.
George K. Karagiannidis is a Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, and the Head of the Wireless Communications and Information Processing (WCIP) Group.

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Language English ● Format PDF ● Pages 414 ● ISBN 9781394227945 ● File size 8.7 MB ● Editor Mohammad A. Matin & Sotirios K. Goudos ● Publisher Wiley-IEEE Press ● Country US ● Published 2024 ● Edition 1 ● Downloadable 24 months ● Currency EUR ● ID 10078626 ● Copy protection Adobe DRM
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