Supervision is a prerequisite for all counsellors, and for most
psychotherapists, yet until recently it has been assumed that any
experienced counsellor or therapist could become a supervisor
without any special expertise. But the experience of those in
supervision is sometimes of inadequate or even unhelpful work by
their supervisors. At the same time supervision is receiving
considerable attention as a discipline in its own right, with an
expanding literature on the dynamics of the supervisory couple (or
the supervisory triad, since the client is a central if absent
presence); more attention is also being paid to the technical
skills required of the supervisor.
This book addresses those issues both from the perspective of
the supervisee and the supervisor, suggesting what supervisees
might expect from good supervision, as well as offering guidance to
supervisors on how best to use to the full the opportunities
offered by a therapeutic situation which has some similarities, but
also some radical differences from counselling and therapy
Table of Content
Chapter 1 The supervisee: initial questions.
Chapter 2 The supervisee: further issues.
Chapter 3 The supervisor: intial questions.
Chapter 4 The supervisor: further issues.
Suggestions for further reading.
About the author
Moira Walker is the author of Supervision: Questions and Answers for Counsellors and Therapists, published by Wiley.
Michael Jacobs is the author of Supervision: Questions and Answers for Counsellors and Therapists, published by Wiley.