In this passionate collection of Grapevinestories, you’ll meet sober LGBTQ+ AA members who share their personal struggles and hard-fought triumphs over alcoholism.
The stories in this book show that—like most alcoholics—LGBTQ+ AAs struggle to fit in, stay sober and find peace in their lives. But by working the Steps, following the Traditions, doing service, and finding a Higher Power, they are now living sober in the Fellowship of AA.
The message of Sober & Out is that every LGBTQ+ alcoholic in recovery travels their own path to the doors of AA. Some of the authors collected here didn’t realize their sexual orientation until after getting sober. Others knew who they were but were reluctant to share. What is truly important is AA’s primary purpose of getting sober and helping other suffering alcoholics. As one AA recounts: “When I told my sponsor I am a lesbian, she said ‘So what? You want to get sober, don’t you?’”
Mengenai Pengarang
AA Grapevine is the publisher of the International Journal of Alcoholics Anonymous. Its primary purpose is to carry the AA message to everyone interested in alcoholism through its magazines, websites, books audiobooks and related items.