With passion and humor, AA members share inspiring stories about their faith and spiritual journeys before and after sobriety. Volume Two of one of our most popular subjects.
‘The greatest gift that can come to anybody is a spiritual awakening, ‘ wrote AA co-founder Bill W., whose own profound spiritual experience helped form Alcoholics Anonymous. In these stories from the pages of Grapevine, sobriety’s message of miracles and redemption is shared by AA members whose epiphanies come in all sizes, from ordinary to outsized.
At the heart of AA’s program of spiritual recovery from the ravages of alcoholism is the humanistic vision of caring and service to be found in the Twelve Steps. It is no coincidence that AA’s final Step simply says: “Having had a spiritual awakening as a result of these Steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.” The perfect read for spiritually minded people of all types, this is Volume Two of one of AA Grapevine’s most popular subjects.
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AA Grapevine is the publisher of the International Journal of Alcoholics Anonymous. Its primary purpose is to carry the AA message to everyone interested in alcoholism through its magazines, websites, books audiobooks and related items.