This book powerfully sets out the case for Transitional Safeguarding, a new approach to protection and safeguarding designed to address the needs and behaviours of young people in their mid-teens to mid-twenties who are falling between gaps in current systems, with often devastating results.
Addressing these gaps, it outlines how the specific needs of young people can be met through this approach. Written by leading experts in this area with strong practice networks, it presents up-to-date evidence for its effectiveness, and also uses examples from practice to illustrate the ways in which services are beginning to address these issues.
Jadual kandungan
Foreword by Rebekah Pierre
Part 1: Making the Case for Change
1. What do Care-Experienced Young People Say? With Desemme Jones, Jodie Kudzewicz, Sean Robertson, Louis Fearnehough, and Dez Holmes (supported by Rosie Blackett)
2. The Challenge of Safeguarding Binaries
3. Negotiating Legal and Social Policy Frameworks
4. Emerging Adulthood as a Developmental Stage
Part 2: Learning from Current Practices
5. Learning from Safeguarding Children and Beyond
6. Learning from Safeguarding Adults for Transitional Safeguarding Practice
7. Transitional Safeguarding and Transitions
Part 3: Innovations
8. Learning from Safeguarding Adult Reviews, Serious Case Reviews and Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews about Care-Experienced Young People
Part 3: Innovations
9. Innovations in Transitional Safeguarding
10. Transitional Safeguarding as Whole Systems Change
Conclusion: Moving Forward
Mengenai Pengarang
Dez Holmes is the Director of Research in Practice which supports those who work with children, families and adults to use evidence in their practice and leadership.