Afua Kuma’s Jesus will surprise, even astound, you. This illiterate Ghanaian woman felt something was missing when she prayed. She dreamed of an angel who opened her mouth to praise the Lord from her heart, and she awoke to find herself praying in ways that no one had ever heard before. When she prayed over people in hospitals, the doctors, nurses, and visitors left their patients to be charmed by her praises. Afua leads us to see God’s glory in the rivers, seas, forests, farms, villages, and even the chief’s royal court. Her Jesus is the hearth preparing our food and the hunter who brings home hunks of hippo. His farm is between the sun and the moon. He is the chief’s golden regalia, his musketeers, drummers, and horn-blowers. His arm is a cannon that blasts the soul-eating bomote and roasts the devil on a charcoal grill. He has anointed his priests to lift us out of the mud. Now thousands in cities, villages, and student campuses are enthralled by her praises. Why? It is as simple as life itself. For her, everything glorifies Jesus. Little Afua invites us to feel the glory that is all around us.
Mengenai Pengarang
Stephen B. Bevans, SVD, is a priest in the Society of the Divine Word, a Roman Catholic missionary congregation. After ordination in 1971 he spent nine years as a missionary in the Philippines and since 1986 he has taught at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago, USA, where he is currently the Louis J. Luzbetak, SVD Professor of Mission and Culture. Among his publications are Models of Contextual Theology (2002), Constants in Context and Prophetic Dialogue (with Roger P. Schroeder, 2004 and 2011), and Evangelization and Religious Freedom (with Jeffrey Gros, 2009). He is past president of the American Society of Missiology, serves on the editorial board