Alex Neill is a Reader in Philosophy at the University of
Southampton. His current focus is on the history of
18th- and 19th-century philosophical
aesthetics. He is co-editor (with Aaron Ridley) of The
Philosophy of Art: Readings Ancient and Modern (1995) and
Arguing About Art: Contemporary Philosophical Debates, 3e
Christopher Janaway is Professor of Philosophy at the
University of Southampton. His research interests fall chiefly in
the areas of 19th-century German philosophy and
aesthetics. His recent books include Schopenhauer: A Very
Short Introduction (2002), Reading Aesthetics: Selected
Texts with Interactive Commentary (Blackwell, 2005), and
Beyond Selflessness: Reading Nietzsche”s Genealogy
1 Ebooks by Alex Neill
Alex Neill & Christopher Janaway: Better Consciousness
Better Consciousness: Schopenhauer’s Philosophy of Value reassesses Schopenhauer’s aesthetics and ethics and their contemporary relevance. * Features a collection of new essays from leading Schopenha …