CHRIS HUTCHINS became fascinated by all-things-Russian when he co-wrote the definitive biography of the Russian oligarch who bought Chelsea Football Club – ABRAMOVICH: The billionaire from nowhere. An investigative journalist, Hutchins hasbeen a columnist on the Daily Express, Today and the Sunday Mirror. He began writing biographies in 1992 starting with Fergie Confidential after uncovering the Duchess or York”s affair with American oil billionaire”s son, Steve Wyatt.
1 Ebooks by Alexander Korobko
Chris Hutchins: Poetin (Putin)
Vladimir Poetin, die in maart 2012 voor de derde keer tot president van Rusland werd verkozen, is veruit de meest invloedrijke en mysterieuze politicus ter wereld. Hoewel hij al lange tijd wereldwijd …