Dr David Stanley, RN, RM, Gerontic Cert, Grad Cert HPE, Dip HE (Nursing), BN, MSc (Health Sciences), TF, Nurs D. David is a Registered Nurse and Midwife. He began his nursing career in the 1980″s and his interest in clinically focused leadership came about because he was once a Nurse Practitioner. David was formerly an Adjunct Professor at Charles Sturt University and a Research Mentor at Fiji”s National University. He retains his passion for the development of empowered nurse leaders and frontline health professionals with a focus on high quality clinical care.
Dr Clare L. Bennett, D.Nurs, SFHEA, PGCE, MSc, BSc (Hons), Dip.N, RGN. Clare is a Registered Nurse with a background in Sexual Health, Immunology, HIV and Infectious Diseases. She is a Doctor of Nursing and is currently a Senior Lecturer at Cardiff University. She has taught Leadership, Quality Improvement and Patient Safety on undergraduate and postgraduate programmes for nurses and allied health professionals for over two decades. Clare is also an honorary lecturer at the University of Freiburg, Germany, where she teaches clinical leadership in the context of advancing clinical practice. Clare is Co-Director of the Wales Centre for Evidence Based Care and teaches and coaches in the field of evidence development and implementation.
Dr Alison H. James, DAHP, SFHEA, PGCE, MA, BA (Hons), Dip Critical Care, RGN, BA. Alison is a Registered Nurse and Doctor of Advanced Healthcare Practice with a background in Neurosciences, Critical Care, Osteoporosis and Knowledge Transfer in health and social care. She is a Senior Lecturer at the School of Healthcare Sciences at Cardiff University in Wales, UK. Alison teaches Leadership and Quality Improvement on programmes across the nursing and allied health programmes at undergraduate and postgraduate level and is a coach and mentor for student leadership in the UK. Alison”s research is focused on leadership development in the healthcare workforce and education, how this impacts delivery and quality of patient care and influences cultures within healthcare environments.
4 Ebooks by Alison H. James
Clare L. Bennett & Alison H. James: Clinical Leadership in Nursing and Healthcare
CLINICAL LEADERSHIP IN NURSING AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Leadership in Nursing and Healthcare offers a range of tools and topics that support and foster clinically focused nurses and other healthcare p …
Clare L. Bennett & Alison H. James: Clinical Leadership in Nursing and Healthcare
CLINICAL LEADERSHIP IN NURSING AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Leadership in Nursing and Healthcare offers a range of tools and topics that support and foster clinically focused nurses and other healthcare p …
Alison H. James & David Stanley: Notes On… Nursing Leadership
NOTES ON… NURSING LEADERSHIP Unlock the secrets to effective nursing leadership with this essential guide In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, leadership capability is a vital skill for nu …
Alison H. James & David Stanley: Notes On… Nursing Leadership
NOTES ON… NURSING LEADERSHIP Unlock the secrets to effective nursing leadership with this essential guide In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, leadership capability is a vital skill for nu …