André Freire é Professor Catedrático em Ciência Política (CP), diretor do Doutoramento em CP, desde 2015, foi ainda Diretor da Licenciatura em CP, 2009-2015, ISCTE-IUL. É Investigador do CIES-IUL, e Diretor do Observatório da Democracia e da Representação Política, desde 2019. Tem lecionado e/ou apresentado conferências em várias universidades portuguesas e estrangeiras.
Freire tem dirigido vários projetos de pesquisa sobre ideologia, comportamento eleitoral, instituições e reformas políticas, e ainda sobre representação política. Sobre estes assuntos tem publicado abundantemente, nacional e internacionalmente (cerca de 30 livros e 100 artigos; inúmeros capítulos de livros).
Foi colunista do Público, 2006-2016, e do Jornal de Letras, 2017-2021, além de outras colaborações ocasionais nos mass media, e tem sido perito – consultor convidado de várias instituições nacionais e europeias.
8 Ebooks by Andre Freire
Ioannis Andreadis & Andre Freire: Political Representation in Times of Bailout
Since 2008 many European states have experienced significant challenges in adapting to austerity, and political actors within these states have made significant changes in their discourses and practi …
Ioannis Andreadis & Andre Freire: Political Representation in Times of Bailout
Since 2008 many European states have experienced significant challenges in adapting to austerity, and political actors within these states have made significant changes in their discourses and practi …
Andre Freire & Marco Lisi: Political Representation and Citizenship in Portugal
Representative democracies are facing huge challenges that stem from long trends of citizens’ dissatisfaction and weakening of political legitimacy, on the one hand, and the effects of global economi …
Melany (University of Salamanca, Spain) Barragan & Xavier (Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia, Spain) Coller: Political Representation in Southern Europe and Latin America
This collective volume – with contributions from experts on these regions – examines broader questions about the current crises (The Great Recession and The Commodity Crisis) and the associated chang …
Melany (University of Salamanca, Spain) Barragan & Xavier (Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia, Spain) Coller: Political Representation in Southern Europe and Latin America
This collective volume – with contributions from experts on these regions – examines broader questions about the current crises (The Great Recession and The Commodity Crisis) and the associated chang …
Andre Freire & Marco Lisi: Generational Divide? Age-related Aspects of Political Transformation in Post-crisis Southern Europe
This book examines the political consequences of the economic crisis in Southern Europe from the perspective of a widening intergenerational divide. It focuses on the cases of Greece, Italy, Portugal …
Andre Freire & Marco Lisi: Generational Divide? Age-related Aspects of Political Transformation in Post-crisis Southern Europe
This book examines the political consequences of the economic crisis in Southern Europe from the perspective of a widening intergenerational divide. It focuses on the cases of Greece, Italy, Portugal …
André Freire: Da Geringonça à maioria absoluta
O livro ‘Da «Geringonça» à maioria absoluta – a situação política em Portugal e na Europa’, do professor e cientista político André Freire reúne crónicas publicadas no Jornal de Letras, 2017-2022, no …