Paul Mc Namara concentrates his research in ethical theory, deontic logic, and the philosophy of moral language. He is best known for his work in deontic logic—having authored (or co-authored) monograph-length overviews of deontic logic (in the
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, in the
Handbook of the History of Logic, vol. 7:
Logic and the Modalities in the Twentieth Century, and in the
Handbook of Deontic Logic and Normative Systems, Vol. 1). He is also well-known for a number of philosophical and logical articles where he identifies schemes that make room for supererogation and other often neglected concepts of common sense morality, a topic for which he is currently completing an invited monograph-length chapter for the second volume of the
Handbook of Deontic Logic and Normative Systems. He was a keynote for DEON 2014, and for
Trends in Logic XVII, 2017
. He was a fellow at the Institute of Philosophy, School of Advanced Studies, University of London in 2005-2006, and he oversees the
Northern New England Philosophical Association, and serves on the steering committees for the
DEON conference series, and for the
Formal Ethics conference series.
Andrew J. I. Jones has published research in a broad range of areas in applied logic and theoretical AI, including deontic logic, AI and Law, the formal analysis of communicative acts, the logic of self-deception, and the logical characterization of the emotions. With José Carmo he wrote a chapter on contrary-to-duty obligations that appeared in volume 8 of the second edition of the
Handbook of Philosophical Logic (2002), and with Davide Grossi he wrote the chapter on constitutive norms and counts-as conditionals in the
Handbook of Deontic Logic and Normative Systems, Vol. 1 (2013). He was a founding executive co-editor of the
Journal of Applied Logic, and a member of the editorialboard of
Artificial Intelligence & Law. He served on the program committees for several of the DEON conferences, was PC co-chair of DEON 2002, and invited speaker at DEON 1996. He was elected Fellow of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters in 1999.
Mark Brown focuses his research on philosophically applied logic, with special emphasis on deontic logic, the logic of action and ability, the logic of time, and the connections among these areas. He has also done extensive research on generalized quantifiers. He has served on the Program Committee for all but three of the biennial series of DEON conferences, which started in 1991, coedited (with José Carmo) the DEON ’96 volume “Deontic Logic, Agency and Normative Systems”, and was an invited Speaker for DEON ‘2004. He was also keynote speaker for the 1993 meeting of the Society for Exact Philosophy. He is past President of the Creighton Club (the New York State Philosophical Association).
1 Ebooks by Andrew J. I. Jones
Paul McNamara & Andrew J. I. Jones: Agency, Norms, Inquiry, and Artifacts: Essays in Honor of Risto Hilpinen
The book contains a collection of chapters written by experts from the fields of philosophy, law, logic, computer science and artificial intelligence who pay tribute to Professor Risto Hilpinen’ …