Though written long ago, this Andrew Murray classic reads as if it were penned today. In it, Murray explains how God’s love for us translates into a desire to heal. Along the way, many questions about illness and divine healing are answered. Murray also explains why divine healing is so readily available to those who ask for it.
Readers who face a challenging illness will be comforted by the reassurance that God really does want to heal His people. We are His beloveds...
Though written long ago, this Andrew Murray classic reads as if it were penned today. In it, Murray explains how God’s love for us translates into a desire to heal. Along the way, many questions about illness and divine healing are answered. Murray also explains why divine healing is so readily available to those who ask for it.
Readers who face a challenging illness will be comforted by the reassurance that God really does want to heal His people. We are His beloveds: He delights in us. All He requires from us is to give ourselves to Him fully, for it is only when we open our hearts and minds to Him that He can heal us, save us, and fill us with peace that passes all understanding. That peace, of course, is exactly what we need during the uncertain, painful and frightening time of illness.
Murray teaches that Jesus did more than die for our sins; He died to take away our afflictions and diseases as well. It is up to us to put our unwavering trust in Him so that we may receive His healing.
Murray didn’t skip the ‘tough topics.’ The connection he draws between sickness and the chastisement of God (which is clearly taught in Hebrews 12) is particularly enlightening–especially since so many ignore it today.
Nowhere in this book does Murray advise readers not to seek the advice or help of physicians. He does say that when one receives healing by supernatural means without the help of natural remedies, one also receives spiritual blessings that don’t accompany a purely natural cure.
Throughout the book, Murray goes far beyond healing as a topic, as his amazing understanding of God’s intentions toward His children are on full display. The end result is that, when read carefully and prayerfully, this book will help readers to know God in a deeper and stronger way.