Pengarang: Anke Offerhaus

Andreas Hepp is Professor of Media and Communication Studies at the Centre for Media, Communication and Information Research (Ze MKI), University of Bremen, Germany. His main research areas are media and communication theory, media sociology, mediatization research, transnational and transcultural communication, cultural studies, media change, and methods of media culture research. Monika Elsler is a Research Associate at the Centre for Communications, Media and Information Research (Ze MKI), University of Bremen, Germany. Her main research areas are transnational and transcultural communication. Swantje Lingenberg is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Centre for Media, Communication and Information Research (Ze MKI), University of Bremen, Germany. Her main research areas are cultural studies, public sphere theory, transnational and transcultural communication, audience research. Anne Mollen is a Research Associate at the Centre for Communications, Media and Information Research (Ze MKI), University of Bremen, Germany. Her research focuses on transcultural and transnational communication, political online communication and audience research on media technologies. Johanna Möller is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Centre for Media, Communication and Information Research (Ze MKI), University of Bremen, Germany. Her main research areas are public sphere research, transcultural political communication, political celebrity and the politicization of media technologies. Anke Offerhaus is a Senior Lecturer at the Centre for Media, Communication and Information Research (Ze MKI), University of Bremen, Germany. Her main research areas are journalism research, public sphere research with a focus on European Public Sphere, media sociology, media and religion, media appropriation with emphasis on grief.

4 Ebooks by Anke Offerhaus

Andreas Hepp & Monika Elsler: The Communicative Construction of Europe
Based on a 12-year long project, this book demonstrates the contested character of the communicative construction of Europe. It does so by combining an investigation of journalistic practices with co …
Thomas Klie & Ilona Nord: Tod und Trauer im Netz
Seit geraumer Zeit wird bereits im Cyberspace bestattet und getrauert. In dem Maße, wie sich die Bestattungskultur verändert und ausdifferenziert, besetzt sie mit großer Selbstverständlichkeit auch d …
Anke Offerhaus: Die Professionalisierung des deutschen EU-Journalismus
Die Europäische Union hat seit ihrer Gründung zunehmend an politischer Bedeutung gewonnen. Im Zuge dessen ist die EU-Berichterstattung in deutschen Massenmedien zwar umfangreicher geworden, Themen, A …
Anke Offerhaus: Medienvielfalt – Religionsvielfalt
Ausgehend von der kommunikativen Konstruktion von Religion analysiert der Band die grundlegende Fragen, welchen Stellenwert Medien für die Konstruktion religiöser sozialer Wirklichkeiten haben und in …