Pengarang: Anna Gavarro

Vicenç Torrens (PhD, University of Barcelona) is Associate Professor at the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia in Madrid, Spain. His research interests are the acquisition of clitic pronouns, tense, agreement, mood and aspect in first language and language impairment. He has been a researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a visiting scholar at Harvard University. His work has appeared in different series of John Benjamins, Kluwer and Prentice Hall.Linda Escobar (PhD, University of Utrecht) is Associate Professor at the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia in Madrid, Spain. She has written on Spanish and English syntax and first and second language acquisition under the generative approach. She is co-editor of the monograph The Acquisition of Syntax of Romance Languages (with Vicenç Torrens). Her work has also appeared in different series of John Benjamins and Peter Lang.Anna Gavarró (PhD, University of Edinburgh) currently lectures at the Departament de Filologia Catalana of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain. Her research interests are the acquisition of syntax and the syntax of agrammatic aphasia. She has published mostly on Romance and her work includes articles in Language Acquisition, Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, and a chapter in the reference grammar of Catalan.María Juncal Gutiérrez (PhD, University of the Basque Country) is Assistant Professor at the Department of Linguistics and Basque Studies at the University of the Basque Country, Spain. Her research interests include the acquisition of syntax, mainly wh- movement structures, in L2/L3 English as well as L1 Basque and L1 Spanish. She is currently working on the processing of language.

4 Ebooks by Anna Gavarro

Jose M. Brucart & Anna Gavarro: Merging Features
This book presents new work on how Merge and formal features, two basic factors in the Minimalist Program, should determine the syntactic computation of natural language. Merge combines simpler objec …
Gavarro Anna Gavarro: On the Acquisition of the Syntax of Romance
This volume presents eleven papers on the acquisition of Romance, most of them presented at the Romance Turn VIII, held in Bellaterra, Catalonia, Spain, in September 2016. Part I of the volume is dev …
Maria Joao Freitas & Anna Gavarro: Language Acquisition and Development
This volume gathers fifty papers from the conference Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition, GALA 2007, celebrated in Barcelona between the 6th and 8th of September, 2007. It covers the areas …
Linda Escobar & Vicenc Torrens: Movement and Clitics
This volume gathers selected papers from the workshops Facing Movement and Meeting Clitics held in the context of the Barcelona Linguistic Institute. The authors explore a wide variety of languages, …