Tree based production systems abound especially in the tropics. Despite the pervasiveness of such multipurpose “trees-outside-forest” resources, they have not attracted adequate attention in the development paradigms of many nation states. These multispecies production systems impact the ecosystem processes favourably. Yet, our understanding of the diversity attributes and carbon dynamics under agroforestry is not adequate. This book focuses on the role of multispecies production systems involving tree and crop species as a means for carbon sequestration and thereby reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide levels. Sixteen chapters organized into three broad sections titled: Measurement and Estimation, Agrobiodiversity and Tree Management, and Policy and Socioeconomic Aspects represent a cross section of the opportunities and challenges in current research and emerging issues in harnessing carbon sequestration potential of agroforestry systems.
Jadual kandungan
List of Contributors.- List of Reviewers.- Preface.- Section 1. Measurement and Estimation.- 1. Methodological challenges in estimating carbon sequestration potential of agroforestry systems.- 2. Carbon sequestration potential of agroforestry practices in temperate North America.- 3. Carbon sequestration in European agroforestry systems.- 4. Carbon sequestration potential of agroforestry systems in Africa.- 5. Soil carbon sequestration in cacao agroforestry systems: a case study from Bahia, Brazil.- 6. Carbon sequestration potential of silvopastoral and other land use systems in the Chilean Patagonia.- 7. Carbon pools in tree biomass and soils under rotational woodlot systems in eastern Tanzania.- 8. Silvopasture and carbon sequestration with special reference to the Brazilian Savanna (Cerrado).- 9. Biomass and carbon accumulation in land use systems of Claveria, the Philippines.- Section 2. Agrobiodiversity and Tree management.- 10. Linking carbon, biodiversity and livelihoods near forest margins: the role of agroforestry.- 11. Assessing the carbon sequestration in short rotation coppices of Robinia pseudoacacia L. on marginal sites in northeast Germany.- 12. Does tree management affect biomass and soil carbon stocks of Acacia mangium Willd. stands in Kerala, India?.- Section 3. Policy and Socioeconomic Aspects.- 13. Can forest carbon finance influence land tenure security in project areas? Preliminary lessons from projects in Niger and Kenya.- 14. Constructing public policy in a participatory manner: from local carbon sequestration projects to network governance in Chiapas, Mexico.- 15. Inpang carbon bank in northeast Thailand: A community effort in carbon trading from agroforestry projects.- 16. The socioeconomic context of carbon sequestration in agroforestry: A case study from homegardens of Kerala, India.- Subject index.