Pengarang: Blackmore Lisa Blackmore

<b>Lisa Blackmore</b> is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Zurich and will join the school of philosophy and art history at the University of Essex as a lecturer in art history and interdisciplinary studies in 2017. She has taught at the University of Leeds, Universidad Simón Bolívar, and Universidad Central de Venezuela, and is coeditor of the forthcoming volume <i>El Helicoide: From Futuristic Mall to Panoptic Prison.</i>

2 Ebooks by Blackmore Lisa Blackmore

Jens Andermann & Lisa Blackmore: Natura
For poets, artists, philosophers, and even environmental activists and historians, the landscape has long constituted a surface onto which to project visions of utopia beyond modernity and capitalism …
Lisa Blackmore: Spectacular Modernity
In cultural history, the 1950s in Venezuela are commonly celebrated as a golden age of modernity, realized by a booming oil economy, dazzling modernist architecture, and nationwide modernization proj …