Joel Rogers is the Noam Chomsky Professor of Law, Political Science, Public Affairs, and Sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where he also directs COWS, the national resource and strategy center on high-road development that also operates the Mayors Innovation Project, State Smart Transportation Initiative (with Smart Growth America), and Pro Gov21. Rogers has written widely on party politics, democratic theory, and cities and urban regions. Along with many scholarly and popular articles, his books include The Hidden Election, On Democracy, Right Turn, Metro Futures, Associations and Democracy, Works Councils, Working Capital, What Workers Want, Cites at Work, and American Society: How It Really Works. Joel is an active citizen as well as academic. He has worked with and advised many politicians and social movement leaders, and has initiated and/or helped lead several progressive NGOs (including the New Party (now the Working Families Party], EARN (Economic Analysis and Research Network], WRTP (Wisconsin Regional Training Partnership], Apollo Alliance (now part of the Blue Green Alliance], Emerald Cities Collaborative, State Innovation Exchange, and EPIC-N (Educational Partnership for Innovation in Communities Network). He is a contributing editor of The Nation and Boston Review, a Mac Arthur Foundation Fellow, and identified by Newsweek as one of the 100 living Americans most likely to shape U.S. politics and culture in the 21st century.
12 Ebooks by Bo Rothstein
Bo Rothstein: Quality of Government
The relationship between government, virtue, and wealth has held a special fascination since Aristotle, and the importance of each frames policy debates today in both developed and developing countri …
Andreas Bagenholm & Monika Bauhr: Oxford Handbook of the Quality of Government
Recent research demonstrates that the quality of public institutions is crucial for a number of important environmental, social, economic, and political outcomes, and thereby human well-being. The Qu …
Bo Rothstein: Controlling Corruption
This book presents a radically new approach of how societies can bring corruption under control. Since the late 1990s, the detrimental effects of corruption to human well-being have become well estab …
Bo Rothstein: Controlling Corruption
This book presents a radically new approach of how societies can bring corruption under control. Since the late 1990s, the detrimental effects of corruption to human well-being have become well estab …
Soren Holmberg & Bo Rothstein: Good Government
In all societies, the quality of government institutions is of the utmost importance for the well-being of its citizens. Problems like high infant mortality, lack of access to safe water, unhappiness …
Nicholas Charron & Victor Lapuente: Quality of Government and Corruption from a European Perspective
In this book the authors tackle the concept of ‘quality of government’ (Qo G) both conceptually and empirically and apply their focus to EU countries and regions. In a pioneering empirical effort, th …
Isabelle Ferreras & Tom Malleson: Democratizing the Corporation
Although contemporary Western societies refer to themselves as ‘democratic, ‘ the bulk of the population spend much of their lives in workplaces that have more in common with tyranny. Gigantic corpor …
Andreas Bagenholm & Monika Bauhr: Oxford Handbook of the Quality of Government
Recent research demonstrates that the quality of public institutions is crucial for a number of important environmental, social, economic, and political outcomes, and thereby human well-being. The Qu …
Bo Rothstein: The Social Democratic State
The Swedish Social Democratic Party, the SAP, is the most successful social democratic party in the world. It has led the government for most of the last six decades, participating either alone or as …