Data is the foundation of the digital economy. Industry 4.0 and digital services are producing so far unknown quantities of data and make new business models possible. Under these circumstances, data quality has become the critical factor for success. This book presents a holistic approach for data quality management and presents ten case studies about this issue. It is intended for practitioners dealing with data quality management and data governance as well as for scientists. The book was written at the Competence Center Corporate Data Quality (CC CDQ) in close cooperation between researchers from the University of St. Gallen and Fraunhofer IML as well as many representatives from more than 20 major corporations.
Chapter 1 introduces the role of data in the digitization of business and society and describes the most important business drivers for data quality. It presents the Framework for Corporate Data Quality Management and introduces essential terms and concepts.
Chapter 2 presents practical, successful examples of the management of the quality of master data based on ten cases studies that were conducted by the CC CDQ. The case studies cover every aspect of the Framework for Corporate Data Quality Management.
Chapter 3 describes selected tools for master data quality management. The three tools have been distinguished through their broad applicability (method for DQM strategy development and DQM maturity assessment) and their high level of innovation (Corporate Data League).
Chapter 4 summarizes the essential factors for the successful management of the master data quality and provides a checklist of immediate measures that should be addressed immediately after the start of a data quality management project. This guarantees a quick start into the topic and provides initial recommendations for actions to be taken by project and line managers.
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Prof. em. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hubert Österle was appointed chair of Information Management at the University of St. Gallen (HSG) in 1980. He founded the Institute of Information Management (IWI-HSG) and the companies IMG, the Business Engineering Institute St. Gallen, the CDQ AG, and further start-ups. His main research areas are corporate data quality, business networking, business engineering, and independent living. Prof. em. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hubert Österle gründete 1989 das Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik an der Universität St. Gallen. Neben der wissenschaftlichen Tätigkeit gründete er die Unternehmen IMG, das Business Engineering Institute St. Gallen, die CDQ AG und weitere Start-Ups. Er forscht zum Datenqualitätsmanagement., Business Engineering und Independent Living.