Computer Science and Operations Research continue to have a synergistic relationship and this book represents the results of the cross-fertilization between OR/MS and CS/AI. It is this interface of OR/CS that makes possible advances that could not have been achieved in isolation. Taken collectively, these articles are indicative of the state of the art in the interface between OR/MS and CS/AI and of the high-caliber research being conducted by members of the INFORMS Computing Society.
Jadual kandungan
Network.- On the Complexity of Delaying an Adversary’s Project.- A Note on Eswaran and Tarjan’s Algorithm for the Strong Connectivity Augmentation Problem.- Integer and Mixed Integer Programming.- Generating Set Partitioning Test Problems with Known Optimal Integer Solutions.- Computational Aspects of Controlled Tabular Adjustment: Algorithm and Analysis.- The Symphony Callable Library for Mixed Integer Programming.- Heuristic Search.- Hybrid Graph Heuristics within a Hyper-Heuristic Approach to Exam Timetabling Problems.- Metaheuristics Comparison for the Minimum Labelling Spanning Tree Problem.- A New Tabu Search Heuristic for the Site-Dependent Vehicle Routing Problem.- A Heuristic Method to Solve the Size Assortment Problem.- Heuristic Methods for Solving Euclidean Non-Uniform Steiner Tree Problems.- Modeling and Solving a Selection and Assignment Problem.- Solving the Time Dependent Traveling Salesman Problem.- The Maximal Multiple-Representation Species Problem Solved Using Heuristic Concentration.- Stochastic Modeling.- Fast and Efficient Model-Based Clustering with the Ascent-EM Algorithm.- Statistical Learning Theory in Equity Return Forecasting.- Sample Path Derivatives for (s, S) Inventory Systems with Price Determination.- Software and Modeling.- Network and Graph Markup Language (Na GML) – Data File Formats.- Software Quality Assurance for Mathematical Modeling Systems.- Model Development and Optimization with Mathematica™.- Verification of Business Process Designs Using Maps.- Alps: A Framework for Implementing Parallel Tree Search Algorithms.- Classification, Clustering, and Ranking.- Tabu Search Enhanced Markov Blanket Classifier for High Dimensional Data Sets.- Dance Music Classification Using Inner Metric Analysis.- Assessing Cluster Quality Using Multiple Measures – A Decision Tree Based Approach.- Dispersion of Group Judgments.