Dr. Zoltán Tibor Pállinger is Senior Research Fellow at the Liechtenstein Institute, Bendern, Liechtenstein.
Bruno Kaufmann is President of the Initiative & Referendum Institute Europe.
Dr. Wilfried Marxer is Senior Research Fellow at the Liechtenstein Institute, Bendern, Liechtenstein.
Dr. Theo Schiller is Professor at the Department of Political Science, Philipps University Marburg.
3 Ebooks by Bruno Kaufmann
Clemens Bomsdorf: MARCO POLO Reiseführer Schweden
MARCO POLO E-Books sind besonders praktisch für unterwegs und sparen Gewicht im Reisegepäck! Kompakte Informationen, Insider-Tipps, Erlebnistouren und digitale Extras: Entdecken Sie mit MARCO POLO da …
Antonio Muniz & Bruno Kaufmann: Jornada Java
> Conteúdo criado por 32 pessoas com grande atuação no mercado e experiências complementares > Prefácios escritos pelos Java Champions Bruno Souza e Edson Yanaga, grandes referências no mundo Java Co …