This book is a classical collection of Buddhist Sutras, Buddha Sutras 1.0 and Buddhist Texts in One Book. it includes Heart Sutra, Diamond Sutra, Surangama Sutra, lotus sutra, Avatamsaka Sutra, Amitabha Sutra, Infinite life sutra, Contemplation Sutra, Longer Agama sutra and Earth Store Bodhisattva Sutra.心经, 金刚经, 华严经, 妙法莲花经, 楞严经, 阿弥陀经, 无量寿经, 长阿含经, 地藏经, 观无量寿经
Jadual kandungan
般若波罗蜜多心经 1
金刚般若波罗蜜经 2
大佛顶首楞严经 10
妙法莲华经 85
大方广佛华严经 173
佛说阿弥陀经 817
佛说大乘无量寿庄严清净平等觉经 820
佛说观无量寿经 842
佛说长阿含经 853
地藏菩萨本愿经 1108
Mengenai Pengarang
Julie Zhu, born in 70’s, is a popular Chinese science fiction author. She now is living in Washington area. She love writing, movies, and media. She got MS degree from Chinese Academy of Sciences and MBA degree from George Washington University. She used to be a senior manager of Information Development department in – a No. 1 education web portal at that time, and senior front end developer at the Washington Post. She published several science fiction stories. Now she is a senior front end engineer.
Her artworks earned high rates in Douban – the most famous company in books and movies field in China. Her science fiction stories also won two finalists in several big science fiction writing competitions hold by Douban and participated by tens of thousands authors including most famous science fiction authors.