An uncontrollable series of events transform the lives of two teenagers the night of RFK’s assassination. The unforgettable heroine of A Theory of Expanded Love returns in this coming-of-age adventure about love, justice and the memorable year of 1968.
Seventeen-year-old Annie Shea is feeling good about her life. Performing a solo in a glee club production of HAIR, she has a crush on the show’s star, Lucas Jones, a talented black singer/dancer from Watts. Annie sneaks away from home to volunteer for Robert Kennedy, and proudly rides alongside his car as part of his campaign entourage.
On a hot June night inside the crowded ballroom of The Ambassador Hotel, Annie and Lucas witness the triumph of RFK’s presidential campaign. Seconds later, RFK is shot, and the two follow his ambulance through the streets of LA-a tragic and chaotic ride that upends their young lives forever.
Soon after, Annie ditches her first day of university to drive Lucas and her brother to Canada to evade the law. Throughout the suspense of their hasty road trip up the coast of California, Annie unearths her brother’s unbearable secrets. She connects with Lucas’s generous heart while sorting out justice and privilege, racism, sexuality, love, and the dark forces of war.
In the sequel to the award-winning A Theory of Expanded Love, Annie is determined to find her voice. Thrust into making excruciating decisions, Annie begins to understand the new roles she must navigate as a woman in a fast-changing society, amidst the chaos, danger and social change of the late Sixties.
Mengenai Pengarang
Caitlin Hicks is the author of the 2015 novel A Theory of Expanded Love, which won many awards, including Indie FAB Bronze (now Foreword Indies) and i Tunes for ‘Best New Fiction.’ In 2022, the novel won listing on Book Riot’s list of 100 must-read books about Women and Religion alongside celebrated writers Alice Walker, Barbara Kingsolver, Toni Morrison, Arundhati Roy, Margaret Atwood, Ann Patchett, Alice Hoffman and more. The audiobook of A Theory of Expanded Love won NYC BIG BOOK AWARD as a Distinguished Favorite in 2022.Hicks is also an international playwright and acclaimed performer. Her theatrical writing has been performed in Best Women’s Stage Monologues (New York), She Speaks (Playwrights Canada Press), and Canadian Broadcasting Corporation’s national radio. A screen adaptation of Hicks’s internationally toured play Singing the Bones debuted as a feature film at Montreal World Film Festival (2001) and screened around the world. Hicks’s writing has been published in Vancouver Sun, Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, The Fiddlehead, and other publications. Her podcast SOME KINDA WOMAN, Stories of Us, captures women’s voices at small and profound moments in their lives. Learn more at Caitlin