Julian Parker could never have prepared himself for the moment this incredible woman walked into his life. Aniyah’s presence captivated his soul from the second they met. By the time of their first date, he knew she would be the perfect mate. People always mock love at first sight, but to Julian the disbelief was false. Julian had spent much of his adult-hood running from the past, fighting to free himself from the incidents that had plagued his life. The newlyweds planned an incredible trip to Hawaii for their honeymoon, and it was an exhilarating time for both parties. Neither one had traveled much, so experiencing the event together made the trip all the more worthwhile. But, then the unthinkable happened. Aniyah sat in a hospital room, watching an artificial machine breathe for her husband. Their new life hung in the balance, and only time would tell the tale of Julian’s prognosis. Aniyah found herself in a strange land. It was a dream she had since childhood to travel the world, but after recent events, it may become a pastime she’d choose to avoid. The last thing she wanted was to think about traveling when the love of her life has died.
The experience taught her a valuable lesson: never take your loved ones for granted because they may not be around the next minute. It was a horrible thought, yet she knew the prognosis was bleak. Aniyah prayed for the best but expected the worst. She had no idea how to handle such a situation; she’d never been faced with anything this horrific. Death has a way of changing the way we face the world.
In the months that follow, joy overtook the scene: Aniyah and Julian celebrated their incredible news. It’s as if Julian’s heart condition didn’t exist. They wanted to drag out the experience indefinitely. Julian felt alive for the first time in his life. In the midst of chaos, the couple finds happiness within the smallest package; a baby girl is on the way.
As Julian faces the imminent possibility of death, it allows him to dig deep within his soul and confess the overwhelming events of his past. In return, he learns true love is unconditional.
Jadual kandungan
Introduction. 4
Author Bio. 6
Chapter One: A New Beginning. 8
Chapter Two: Uncertain Outcomes 24
Chapter Three: Minimal Options. 31
Chapter Four: Waiting. 51
Chapter Five: Ocean Breeze. 63
Chapter Six: The Final Results. 83
Chapter Seven: New Life. 86
Chapter Eight: Things Happen for a Reason. 100
Chapter Nine: Expecting. 113
Chapter Ten: The Recurring Event 124
Chapter Eleven: In the Moment 128
Chapter Twelve: It’s Almost Time. 136
Chapters Thirteen: In the Blink of an Eye. 147
Chapters Fourteen: Little Angel 154
Chapter Fifteen: Going Home. 165