Geologi SokonganCatalogSainsSains GeoUmum, EnsiklopediaGeografiPerancangan Bandar, Perancangan RuangGeologiPaleontologiMineralogi, PetrographyPelbagai2,941 Ebooks dalam kategori ini Sylvie Demouchy & Nathalie Bolfan-Casanova: Structure and Dynamics of the Earth’s Interior 2 The interior of our planet is one of the last ‘terra incognita’. Its chemical composition and onion-like structure of solid rocks and rare minerals make it a fascinating object. It is primarily its d … EPUB Inggeris Adobe DRM €143.99 Thomas McLoughlin: A Guide To Pennsylvanian (Carboniferous) Age Plant Fossils of Southwest Virginia This book is a compilation of three books that were written as a picture guide to fossil plants and includes a few marine fossil organisms found in close association with … EPUB Inggeris Adobe DRM €2.99 Yves Coquet & Joel Michelin: Agricultural Soil Science Soils are a vital resource in agricultural production. This book aims to provide an overview of several topics concerning agricultural soil management. Without claiming to be exhaustive, it neverthel … EPUB Inggeris Adobe DRM €143.99 Julien Monteux: Structure and Dynamics of the Earth’s Interior 1 The silicate mantle and its dynamics have controlled the Earth’s internal cooling for over four billion years. Today, these dynamics are rather slow, but this was not always the case: shortly after t … EPUB Inggeris Adobe DRM €143.99 Albert J. Warner & Thomas M. Bown: The Heart Mountain Detachment Fault: A Critical Reappraisal The Heart Mountain Detachment Fault (HMDF) is an immense geologic structure in northwest Wyoming that, as defined prior to this study, extends from just inside the northeast entrance of Yellowstone N … EPUB Inggeris Adobe DRM €5.99 Harry L. Moore: A Roadside Guide to the Geology of Great Smoky Mountains National Park Guiding the reader on five popular driving tours and five key hiking trails, this nontechnical guidebook indicates not-to-be-missed points of interest and describes the geological evolution associate … EPUB Inggeris Adobe DRM €12.99 Lisa S. Gardiner: Reefs of Time How fossilized reefs hold clues to the survival of corals in the Anthropocene With rising global temperatures, pollution, overfishing, ocean acidification, and other problems caused by humans, there’ … EPUB Inggeris Adobe DRM €31.99 Don W. Byerly: The Last Billion Years Tennessee’s geologic history has evolved in myriad ways since its initial formation more than a billion years ago, settling into its current place on the North American supercontinent between 300 and … EPUB Inggeris Adobe DRM €20.99 Ellen Wohl: Landscapes on Fire Explores the effects of wildfires on land, water, vegetation, wildlife, and humans Across the world, wildfires are increasing in frequency, extent, and severity, driven by changes in land use and cli … EPUB Inggeris Adobe DRM €151.99 Yingping Li & Robert Mellors: Distributed Acoustic Sensing in Borehole Geophysics Distributed Acoustic Sensing in Borehole Geophysics Borehole geophysics involves measuring, imaging, and monitoring subsurface structures and activities by putting instruments into wellbores. Distrib … EPUB Inggeris Adobe DRM €173.99 Muka surat seterusnya >>> 0 0 Checkout 0,00 × × × Tukar bahasa pengguna × ArabJermanInggerisSepanyolPerancisHindiIndonesiaItaliMelayuBelandaPolandPortugisRomaniaRusiaSwedenThaiTurkiUkraineVietnamCinaInternational Modal ×