Politik Perbandingan SokonganCatalogSains SosialPolitikUmum, EnsiklopediaSains PolitikTeori Politik, Histori IdeaSistem PolitikSains Politik, Pengurusan DasarPolitik, EkonomiPolitik PerbandinganTeori Pembangunan, Politik PembangunanPelbagai15,839 Ebooks dalam kategori ini Jon Cruddas: A Century of Labour Britain’s first Labour government took office on 22 January 1924. Its centenary provides an opportunity to reassess the party’s performance over the last 100 years, and with an election pending, the … EPUB Inggeris Adobe DRM €21.99 Ellen Furnari & Randy Janzen: Unarmed Civilian Protection The frequent failure of military or armed interventions to protect civilians is well known. This edited collection provides a comprehensive account of a different, effective paradigm: unarmed civilia … EPUB Inggeris Adobe DRM €48.99 Julia Leib: Patterns of Sustaining Peace This book explores how to establish peace in societies recovering from large-scale, armed conflicts by introducing the sustaining peace scale as a continuous measure for peacebuilding success. Drawin … EPUB Inggeris Adobe DRM €41.99 Dee C Knight: A Realistic Path to Peace: From Genocide to Global War… and How We Can Stop It ‘A Realistic Path To Peace’ delves into the causes of Israel’s genocide against Palestinians, describes the crisis of war in eastern Europe (Ukraine and Russia), West Asia and East Asia, sorting trut … EPUB Inggeris Adobe DRM €2.99 Damien Van Puyvelde & Aaron F. Brantly: Cybersecurity In the last decade, the proliferation of billions of new Internet-enabled devices and users has significantly expanded concerns about cybersecurity. How much should we worry about cyber threats and t … EPUB Inggeris Adobe DRM €17.99 Hanna Leonardsson: Navigating the Local How is peace built at the local level? Covering three Lebanese municipalities with striking sectarian diversity, Saida, Bourj Hammoud and Tyre, this book investigates the ways in which local service … EPUB Inggeris Adobe DRM €49.99 Jade McGlynn: Russia’s War In the early hours of 24 February 2022, Russian forces attacked Ukraine. The brutality of the Russian assault has horrified the world. But Russians themselves appear to be watching an entirely differ … EPUB Inggeris Adobe DRM €15.99 John Alderdice & Padraig O’Malley: The Changing Character of War and Peacemaking Geo-politics shifted dramatically with the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. This major escalation of the Russo-Ukrainian War, which had started in 2014, drew in the United States, most o … EPUB Inggeris Adobe DRM €8.49 Alasdair Roberts: Superstates In this century, the world will conduct an extraordinary experiment in government. In 2050, forty percent of the planet’s population will live in just four places: India, China, the European Union, a … EPUB Inggeris Adobe DRM €18.99 Mikhail Khodorkovsky: How to Slay a Dragon Mikhail Khodorkovsky is one of the most astute observers of today’s Russia. Imprisoned for a decade in Russia’s prisons on politically motivated charges, he knows all too well the best and the worst … EPUB Inggeris Adobe DRM €20.99 Muka surat seterusnya >>> 0 0 Checkout 0,00 × × × Tukar bahasa pengguna × ArabJermanInggerisSepanyolPerancisHindiIndonesiaItaliMelayuBelandaPolandPortugisRomaniaRusiaSwedenThaiTurkiUkraineVietnamCinaInternational Modal ×