Umum, Ensiklopedia SokonganCatalogSains SosialSosiologiUmum, EnsiklopediaTeori sosiologiPenyelidikan sosialSosiologi Perindustrian, Sosiologi EkonomiSosiologi BandarKajian WanitaPenyelidikan Struktur SosialSosiologi politikPelbagai3,004 Ebooks dalam kategori ini Patricia DeRocher: Transnational Testimonios The activist storytelling practice of testimonio, long associated with Latin American struggles for justice, forges coalitions across social differences for the purpose of social change. Beyond Centr … EPUB Inggeris Adobe DRM €30.99 Miriam Kalman Friedman: Rivers of Light Growing up in a conservative, middle-class family in Texas, Claire Myers Owens sought adventure and freedom at an early age. At twenty years old, she left home and quickly found a community of like-m … EPUB Inggeris Adobe DRM €35.99 Meera Sholevar: Gender, Time, and Change Written by young authors from around the world, this collection of papers addresses historical and contemporary perspectives on gender. Editor Meera Sholevar has personally solicited, gathered, and r … EPUB Inggeris Adobe DRM €10.99 Katherine J. Lehman: Those Girls Long before Carrie Bradshaw in Sex and the City, there was Mary Richards in The Mary Tyler Moore Show. Every week, as Mary flung her beret into the air while the theme song proclaimed, “You’re gonna … EPUB Inggeris Adobe DRM €40.99 Barbara Pillans: A Land Fit for Heroines This book documents the lives of twenty-one women on soldier settler blocks in New South Wales after World War II. Their stories relate how they came to live on virtually virgin land and lived in ten … EPUB Inggeris Adobe DRM €5.49 Meet: The Abode of Joy Though this book narrates the story of an armed movement by ascetics and common farmers of India against East India Company rule, yet it does not corresponds to a particular date and place but beauti … EPUB Inggeris Adobe DRM €5.49 Lea Ausch Alteras Ph.D.: Women’S Midlife Anim-Morphosis In this book Dr. Ausch challenges the reader to imagine the greatest minds in the field of anti -aging getting together and share their most important information on what they do in their lives to ma … EPUB Inggeris Adobe DRM €4.49 Jane Kenyon: Superwoman Superwoman is alive and well and strutting around in her stilettos, sabotaging our right to an imperfect life. She is feeding our insecurities, she is damaging our self belief, she is sabotaging our … EPUB Inggeris Adobe DRM €9.99 Dr. Norma A. Barnett: Family Violence Against Women God Loves Abused Women Too is an inspiring book that not only does it bring about an awareness for the abuse in many womens lives but how God deals through the abuse. This book demonstrates the skill … EPUB Inggeris Adobe DRM €4.49 David Medley: This Incredible Creation Called Woman … EPUB Inggeris Adobe DRM €4.49 Muka surat seterusnya >>> 0 0 Checkout 0,00 × × × Tukar bahasa pengguna × ArabJermanInggerisSepanyolPerancisHindiIndonesiaItaliMelayuBelandaPolandPortugisRomaniaRusiaSwedenThaiTurkiUkraineVietnamCinaInternational Modal ×