Sosiologi politik SokonganCatalogSains SosialSosiologiUmum, EnsiklopediaTeori sosiologiPenyelidikan sosialSosiologi Perindustrian, Sosiologi EkonomiSosiologi BandarKajian WanitaPenyelidikan Struktur SosialSosiologi politikPelbagai2,743 Ebooks dalam kategori ini Jürgen Habermas: On the Pragmatics of Social Interaction The core of this book is a set of five lectures delivered by Habermas at Princeton in 1971 under the title ‘Reflections on the Linguistic Foundation of Sociology’. These lectures offer a preliminary … EPUB Inggeris Adobe DRM €23.99 Hal Weitzman: Latin Lessons The mistakes the United States has made in Latin America—and the high price it will pay for them Could it be that for the first time in history, the United States needs Latin America more than the ot … EPUB Inggeris Adobe DRM €14.99 Lois McNay: The Misguided Search for the Political There has been a lively debate amongst political theorists about whether certain liberal concepts of democracy are so idealized that they lack relevance to ‘real’ politics. Echoing these debates, Loi … EPUB Inggeris Adobe DRM €18.99 Wolfgang Streeck: Buying Time The financial and economic crisis that began in 2008 still has the world on tenterhooks. The gravity of the situation is matched by a general paucity of understanding about what is happening and how … EPUB Inggeris Adobe DRM €19.99 Jeff Faux: The Global Class War Acclaim for The Global Class War ‘You will never think about ‘free trade’ the same way after reading Jeff Faux’s superb book. As Faux makes clear, the globalization debate is really about whose inter … EPUB Inggeris Adobe DRM €16.99 Akbar S. Ahmed: Islam Under Siege In this groundbreaking book, Akbar Ahmed, one of the world’s leading authorities on Islam, who has worked in the Muslim world but lives in the West, explains what is going wrong in his society by ref … EPUB Inggeris Adobe DRM €19.99 Didier Fassin: Enforcing Order Most incidents of urban unrest in recent decades – including the riots in France, Britain and other Western countries – have followed lethal interactions between the youth and the police. Usually the … EPUB Inggeris Adobe DRM €24.99 Gopal Balakrishnan: Debating Empire Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri’s book Empire has been hailed as a latter day Communist Manifesto. Its ability to develop a theoretical framework relevant to the current period of global neo-liberali … EPUB Inggeris Adobe DRM €19.99 Tim Büthe & Walter Mattli: The New Global Rulers Global private regulations—who wins, who loses, and why Over the past two decades, governments have delegated extensive regulatory authority to international private-sector organizations. This intern … EPUB Inggeris Adobe DRM €33.99 Anthony G. McGrew & Paul Lewis: Global Politics This innovative new text is derived from a highly successful Open University course of the same title. It takes as a dominant theme the contested issue of ‘globalization’ (the apparent intensificatio … EPUB Inggeris Adobe DRM €37.30 Muka surat seterusnya >>> 0 0 Checkout 0,00 × × × Tukar bahasa pengguna × ArabJermanInggerisSepanyolPerancisHindiIndonesiaItaliMelayuBelandaPolandPortugisRomaniaRusiaSwedenThaiTurkiUkraineVietnamCinaInternational Modal ×