Embodied Resistance engages the rich and complex range of society’s contemporary ‘body outlaws’—people from many social locations who violate norms about the private, the repellent, or the forbidden. This collection ventures beyond the conventional focus on the ‘disciplined body’ and instead, examines conformity from the perspective of resisters. By balancing accessibly written original ethnographic research with personal narratives, Embodied Resistance provides a window into the everyday lives of those who defy or violate socially constructed body rules and conventions.
Jadual kandungan
Foreword |
Rose Weitz
Introduction |
Chris Bobel and Samantha Kwan
Part I: Rewriting Gender Scripts
Chapter 1: The Specter of Excess: Race, Class, and Gender in Women’s Body Hair Narratives |
Breanne Fahs and Denise A. Delgado
Chapter 2: “Is That Any Way to Treat a Lady?”: The Dominatrix’s Dungeon |
Danielle J. Lindemann
Chapter 3: “Cruisin’ for a Bruisin’”: Women’s Flat Track Roller Derby |
Natalie M. Peluso
Chapter 4: Becoming a Female-to-Male Transgender (FTM) in South Korea |
Tari Youngjung Na and Hae Yeon Choo
Living Resistance:
• From Rapunzel to G.I. Jane |
Samantha Binford
• Funnel as Phallus |
Sara L. Crawley
Part II: Challenging Marginalization
Chapter 5: “Give Me a Boa and Some Bling!”: Red Hat Society Members Commanding Visibility in the Public Sphere |
M. Elise Radina, Lydia K. Manning, Marybeth C. Stalp, and Annette Lynch
Chapter 6: Fat. Hairy. Sexy: Contesting Standards of Beauty and Sexuality in the Gay Community |
Nathaniel C. Pyle and Noa Logan Klein
Chapter 7: Belly Dancing Mommas: Challenging Cultural Discourses of Maternity |
Angela M. Moe
Chapter 8: “It’s Important to Show Your Colors”: Counter-Heteronormativity in a Metropolitan Community Church |
J. Edward Sumerau and Douglas P. Schrock
Living Resistance:
• An Accidental Education |
Hanne Blank
• The Pickup |
Catherine Bergart
Part III: Defying Authoritative Knowledges and Conventional Wisdom
Chapter 9: Anorexia as a Choice: Constructing a New Community of Health and Beauty through Pro-Ana Websites |
Abigail Richardson and Elizabeth Cherry
Chapter 10: Public Mothers and Private Practices: Breastfeeding as Transgression |
Jennifer A. Reich
Chapter 11: “It’s Hard to Say”: Moving Beyond the Mystery of Female Genital Pain |
Christine Labuski
Chapter 12: “What I Had to Do to Survive”: Self-Injurers’ Bodily Emotion Work |
Margaret Leaf and Douglas P. Schrock
Living Resistance:
• Intersex? Not My Problem |
Esther Morris Leidolf
• Doula-Assisted Childbirth: Helping Her Birth Her Way |
Angela Horn
Part IV: Negotiating Boundaries and Meanings
Chapter 13: The Politics of the Stall: Transgender and Genderqueer Workers Negotiating “the Bathroom Question” |
Catherine Connell
Chapter 14: The Everyday Resistance of Vegetarianism |
Samantha Kwan and Louise Marie Roth
Chapter 15: Menopausal and Misbehaving: When Women “Flash” in Front of Others |
Heather E. Dillaway
Chapter 16: The Transformation of Bodily Practices among Religious Defectors |
Lynn Davidman
Living Resistance:
• Crossing the Menstrual Line |
David Linton
• Myself, Covered |
Beverly Yuen Thompson
Afterword |
Barbara Katz Rothman
Classroom Resources
Mengenai Pengarang
Samantha Kwan is an associate professor of sociology at the University of Houston and is co-editor (along with Chris Bobel) of Embodied Resistance: Challenging the Norms, Breaking the Rules and Body Battlegrounds: Transgressions, Tensions, and Transformations, both published by Vanderbilt.