This is the first in a series of chirldrens’ books named the Continuing Adventures of the Carrot Top Kids. This book, named The Puppies, tells the tale of how our heroes, Dani and Lana, two redheaded sisters, became the proud owners of their first puppies. The story describes the naming of their first puppies, Shana and Aja, and the adventures they had with their first puppies at the Quack Quack Pond. This is a fun book for ages 3 through 6, full of vivid pictures and adventures that every little boy or girl would love.
Mengenai Pengarang
Karen Pittard, a native of Dallas, Texas, has a bachelors and masters degree in Journalism from the University of Texas, and has been Chris’ most ardent fan and critic. Karen edits all of the Continuing Adventures of the Carrot Top Kids.