The last fifty years of Pauline scholarship have provided numerous insights to both the academy and the church. Some of those most important discussions have related to the question of Paul's view of Christ with respect to his divinity. While the landscape is rich with scholarly findings, it can be overwhelming to navigate the complex lines of argumentation and the interactions between various key scholars.
In The Divine Christology of the Apostle Paul, biblical scholars Chris Bruno, John Lee, and Thomas Schreiner explore the more detailed and often perplexing conversations concerning the divinity of Christ, bringing helpful guidance and clarity to scholars' various articulations, including those of:
– Richard Bauckham
– Larry Hurtado
– Chris Tilling
– N. T. Wright
– and others After offering a cohesive and constructive understanding of such landmark studies, they then provide their own insights through the exegetical study of key New Testament passages related to Paul's Christology.
Filled with helpful charts, appendixes, and study aids, The Divine Christology of the Apostle Paul is an essential guide for any student, pastor, or scholar looking for an insightful distillation of this key dimension of Pauline studies.
Jadual kandungan
1. Introduction
Part One: Recent Proposals for Pauline Divine Christology
2. The Divine Identity Paradigm: Richard Bauckham
3. The Corporate Worship Paradigm: Larry Hurtado
4. The Christ-Relation Paradigm: Chris Tilling
5. The YHWH’s Return Paradigm: N. T. Wright
6. Evaluation
Part Two: Exegetical Analysis for Pauline Divine Christology
7. Jesus, the One Lord of Israel
8. Jesus, the Incarnate God Who Humbled Himself as Man
9. Jesus, the Ruler and Sovereign of Creation and New Creation
10. Jesus, the Subordinate One?
11. Conclusion
Afterword by Thomas R. Schreiner
Appendix I: Other Notable Contributors
Appendix II: For Review
Appendix III: Some Tips on Second Temple Jewish Writings
General Index
Scripture Index
Mengenai Pengarang
Thomas R. Schreiner is associate dean and James Buchanan Harrison Professor of New Testament Interpretation at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky. His books include commentaries on Romans and Galatians, New Testament Theology: Magnifying God in Christ, and The King in His Beauty: A Biblical Theology of the Old and New Testaments.