Pengarang: Dale L. Roberts

Mi nombre es Dale Lewis Roberts y soy un consejero americano como entrenador personal de ejercicio, certificado, con una Certificación de Especialidad en Fitness Senior de ACE. Desde el inicio de mi carrera de entrenador personal en 2006 he obtenido numerosas certificaciones en entrenamiento personal, yoga, coaching nutricional, entre otras. He trabajajo con cientos de clientes con una variedad de metas de salud y fitness. Aunque mis más grandes pasiones son la salud y el fitness, escribir y leer, también amo pasar tiempo viajando con mi esposa, viendo luchas profesionales y tocando la guitarra.. Actualmente vivo en Phoenix, Arizona con mi esposa Kelli y nuestro gato, Izzie. Subscríbete a mi blog en para leer los posts más recientes en salud y consejos de fitness. Éste es también una de los mejores medios para contactarme directamente. Porfavor, recuerda que lo que sea que hagas en la vida, debes asegurarte de hacerlo con amor. ¡Mantente feliz, saludable y fuerte!

30 Ebooks by Dale L. Roberts

Dale L. Roberts: Etiqueta na Academia: 25 Coisas que Você não Deveria Fazer, mas que Ninguém Fala
Divirta-se com estas verdades sobre a academia… “Etiqueta na Academia: 25 Coisas que Você não Deveria Fazer, mas que Ninguém Fala” conta sobre os figurões fitness versus bom senso. Para ajudar a pr …
Dale L. Roberts: Batidos verdes para perder peso: Más de 30 recetas sencillas para una mejor alimentación
Más de 30 recetas de batidos verdes deliciosos y fáciles de preparar para perder peso ¡Entérate cómo los jugos verdes son el mejor secreto guardado para perder peso!Batidos verdes para perder peso&#x …
Dale L. Roberts: Recetas para Comer Limpio: más de 30 recetas sencillas para comer saludable (Libro 1)
¿Te gustaría mejorar tu salud y perder peso? ¡Lo puedes lograr comiendo limpio!  Comer limpio mejora tu salud, estimula tu sistema inmunológico, te ayuda a concentrarte, mejora tu piel y cabello …
Dale L. Roberts: Recetas para Comer Limpio: Más de 30 recetas sencillas para comer saludable (Libro 2)
¿Te gustaría sentirte bien y perder peso? ¡Lo puedes lograr con una dieta para comer limpio y con más de 30 grandiosas recetas que encontrarás en este libro!En el libro uno de la serie de Recetas par …
Dale L. Roberts: Programma di stretching: semplici esercizi per migliorare la qualità della vita
Alleviate le tensioni, riducete il dolore, muovetevi e sentitevi meglio con questi esercizi di stretching. E se pochi e semplici esercizi potessero drasticamente migliorare il modo in cui vi sentite, …
Dale L. Roberts: The Stretch Workout Plan
Are you struggling with muscle tension or joint pain? Do you want to feel energized again? The Stretch Workout Plan has got you covered! This comprehensive guide includes  stretching exerci …
Dale L. Roberts: The 15-Minute Standing Abs Workout Plan
Looking for a quick and easy way to firm, tone, and tighten your midsection without endless crunches or rolling around on dirty gym floors? Look no further than The 15-Minute Standing Abs Workout Pla …
Dale L. Roberts: The Chest and Arms Workout Plan
Looking to build bigger and stronger chest and arm muscles? Look no further than The Chest and Arms Workout Plan. This comprehensive guide provides everything you need to firm, tone, and tighten your …
Dale L. Roberts: The ABC Workout Plan
Looking for effective bodyweight workouts to firm, tone, and tighten your abs, butt, and core? Look no further than The ABC Workout Plan! This book is perfect for beginners who want to start their fi …
Dale L. Roberts: The Home Workout Plan for Beginners
Are you ready to start your fitness journey but unsure of where to begin? Look no further than The Home Workout Plan for Beginners! This simple at-home exercise guide is the ultimate solution for tho …
Dale L. Roberts: The 90-Day Home Workout Plan
Looking to lose weight and build muscle in the comfort of your own home? Look no further than The 90-Day Home Workout Plan, the ultimate total body fitness program for weight training, cardio, core, …
Dale L. Roberts: An Ultimate Home Workout Plan Bundle
Looking for a way to achieve your fitness goals without the hassle of a gym membership? Look no further than the An Ultimate Home Workout Plan Bundle. This collection of exercise and fitness books pr …
Dale L. Roberts: How to Write a Book in 48 Hours
It’s going to be a best seller… …if you can only figure out how to write the book. What does it take to self-publish?   Dale L. Roberts is a fitness author who has published over 50 titles. He’s …
Dale L. Roberts: Self-Publishing for New Authors
You’ve dreamed of becoming an author… …and now you’ve written your first book. But how do you get it published? The world of self-publishing can be overwhelming, especially for new authors. Navigatin …
Dale L. Roberts: Advanced Self-Publishing for Authors
You’ve mastered the basics of self-publishing… …and now you’re ready for the next level. How do you grow your platform and achieve lasting success? The journey of self-publishing doesn’t end with you …
Dale L. Roberts: Advertising for Books
You’ve published your book… …but how do you get noticed? Mastering Amazon Ads is crucial for boosting visibility and sales. In this comprehensive guide, Dale L. Roberts offers a deep dive into practi …
Dale L. Roberts: The Home Workout Plan for Seniors
You want to stay active and strong, but worry about the risks of traditional workouts. What if you could exercise safely, without fear of falling or injury? Imagine boosting your mobility and strengt …
Dale L. Roberts: The 11 Best Cardio Workouts
You want to lose weight and burn fat… …but your cardio workouts feel repetitive and dull. How can you see results without feeling bored or overwhelmed? The 11 Best Cardio Workouts has the answer. Thi …
Dale L. Roberts: Networking for Authors
You’re ready to build your author career… …but how do you expand your network? What’s the secret to forging lasting industry connections? In Networking for Authors: Strategies to Supercharge Your Wri …
Dale L. Roberts: How to Write a Nonfiction Book in 24 Hours
You’re ready to write your nonfiction book… …but how do you get it done fast? What’s the secret to finishing in record time? In How to Write a Nonfiction Book in 24 Hours: A Simple Step-by-Step Sys …
Dale L. Roberts: The Home Workout Plan
Can’t do a push-up? Here’s where you start! Ready to conquer push-ups in 30 days? How to Master Push-Ups in 30 Days provides a simple, straightforward workout plan to help you crush your push-up goal …
Dale L. Roberts: Wide Publishing for Authors
You’ve published your book… …but is it reaching its full potential? How can you connect with more readers and expand your reach? Wide Publishing for Authors provides a comprehensive roadmap to gettin …